释义 |
concernverb(WORRY)C1[T]tocauseworryto someone: 使担忧;使挂念;使焦虑 Thestateof my father'shealthconcerns usgreatly.我父亲的健康状况让我们非常担心。 [+ that]Itconcerns methathe hasn't been incontact.还没有联系到他,我很担心。 - We're now going toturnto anissuethat concerns us all -racism.
- Hisattitudeconcerns me.
- Thepoorstateof thefireescapesconcerned megreatly.
- It concerned them that nodoctorwasavailable.
- Does it concern you thatyourchildrenare out afterdark?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCausing anxiety and worry - alarming
- alarmingly
- bite
- catch up withsomeone
- come back/home to roostidiom
- disturb
- dread
- frighten
- frightensomeone/somethingaway/off
- get/go beyond a jokeidiom
- givesomeonethe jimjamsidiom
- givesomeonethe jittersidiom
- oppressive
- rattle
- roost
- stresssomeoneout
- stressful
- suspenseful
- swatting
- tenseness
See more results » concernverb(INVOLVE)B2[T]to beimportantto someone or toinvolvesomeonedirectly: 对…很重要;与…相关;涉及到…,关系到… Matters ofpollutionand theenvironmentconcern us all.污染和环境的问题与我们每个人都息息相关。 What I have to say to Amy doesn't concern you.我要跟埃米说的事与你无关。 B2[T]formalIf astory,film, orarticleconcerns aparticularsubject,person, etc., it is about thatpersonorsubject: (故事、电影或文章)涉及,是关于…的 Thedocumentaryconcerns a woman who goes toChinaas amissionary.电影讲述的是一位去中国传教的女子的故事。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto be about something - be aboutWhat is the story about?
- have (got) to do withWhat's that got to do with it?
- relate toThat relates to what I was saying earlier about the need for reform.
- concernThe film concerns the complicated nature of marriage.
- coverWe will cover the passive voice later in the course.
- deal withWe will deal with the use of antidepressants in chapter three.
See more results » concernyourself tobecomeinvolvedwith something, orworriedabout something: 关心;关注;担心There's no need for you to concernyourself withwhathappened.你不用操心发生了什么事情。 Don't concern yourself. She'll behomesoon.别担心,她很快就会回家的。 I concern myself withgeneralpolicyratherthanoperationaldetails. At thispointthere's no need to concern ourselves with thedifferencesbetween the twotheories. She doesn'tcareaboutpopularityor concern herself with what otherartistsare doing. to whom it may concern something you write at thestartof aformalletterornoticewhen you do notknowexactlywho it should besentto: (用于正式信函开头处)敬启者Addressyourcoverletterto thehiringmanager. Otherwise,beginit with "To whom it may concern". See more- Trigonometry concerns thefunctionsofangles, such assine,cosineandtangent.
- How Ichoosetovotedoes not concern you.
- Thedocumentaryconcerns theeatinghabitsof Britain'steenagers.
- I didn't go to themeetingbecause nothing on theagendaseemedto concern me.
- I'llansweranyquestionsthatspecificallyconcern this week'shomework.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLinking and relating - affiliated
- AL
- appertain tosomething
- applicable
- around
- attach
- bond
- interconnected
- interconnectedness
- interconnection
- intercorrelate
- intercorrelation
- relatable
- relate
- relate tosomeone/something
- relation
- relationship
- relative
- tar
- tie
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Including and containing Regarding and concerning Anxious and worried Taking part and getting involved concernnoun(WORRY)B2[CorU]aworriedornervousfeelingabout something, or something that makes youfeelworried: 担心;忧虑;挂念;忧虑的事情 Concernforthesafetyof the twomissingteenagersisgrowing.两名失踪少年的安危越来越令人担忧。 There's a lot ofpublicconcernabout/overdangeroustoxinsrecentlyfoundinfood.公众对近来在食物中发现危险毒素一事非常不安。 [+ that]My concern isthatyou're not getting enoughworkdone.我担心的是你你工作的完成量不够。 Synonymsalarm(WORRY) consternation distress preoccupation worry - Drugtraffickingis amatterofconsiderableconcern for theentireinternationalcommunity.
- Continuedfightingin thecityiscausinggreatconcern.
- Therecentdropinmagazinesubscriptionsiscausingsome concern.
- There is concern that thegiantpandawillsoonbecomeextinct.
- There isgeneralconcern aboutrisingcrimerates.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnxiety and worry - general words - agita
- agitation
- angst
- anti-stress
- apprehension
- cold sweat
- jitters
- nerve
- nervousness
- oppression
- overwork
- strain
- tenseness
- tension
- the collywobbles
- the heebie-jeebies
- tizzy
- trepidation
- uneasiness
- willie
See more results » concernnoun(BUSINESS)afamilyconcern家族企业 Itstartedslowly, but thecompanyis now agoingconcern(= doingbusinesseffectively).公司起步很慢,但现在生意做得很好。 Synonymsbusiness(COMPANY) enterprise(BUSINESS) trade(BUSINESS) SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEnterprises - acquiree
- acquirer
- acquiror
- agency
- agribusiness
- answering service
- citadel
- consortium
- fintech
- firm
- franchise
- franchisee
- franchiser
- multinational
- organizational
- packer
- parent company
- partner up
- partnership
- plc
See more results » concernnoun(IMPORTANT TO)B2[CorU]something that isimportantto you, or thefactof beingimportant: 重要的事;关心的事,关切的事;关心,关切 [+ to infinitive]His concerntoappearsophisticatedamusedeveryone.他一心要显得老练,让大家觉得很好笑。 The company'ssoleconcern istoensurethesafetyofitsemployees.公司唯一关注的是要确保其员工的安全。 There'samatterofsome concern that I have todiscusswith you.我有件重要的事得跟你商量。 [CorU]something thatinvolvesoraffectsyou or isimportantto you: 关切的事;关心的事;有利害关系的事 What were themajorconcernsofthewritersfrom thisperiod?这一时期作家们主要关注的是什么? I don'twanttohearabout it - it's no concernofmine!我不想听那事——它与我无关! "What'shappening?" "That'snone of/not any ofyourconcern."“发生什么事了?”“不关你的事。” be of concern Theresultsof theelectionare of concerntous all.选举的结果对我们所有人都有重大影响。 See moreSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnxiety and worry - general words - agita
- agitation
- angst
- anti-stress
- apprehension
- cold sweat
- jitters
- nerve
- nervousness
- oppression
- overwork
- strain
- tenseness
- tension
- the collywobbles
- the heebie-jeebies
- tizzy
- trepidation
- uneasiness
- willie
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: concernnoun(NOT IMPORTANT TO)be of no concern(orbe of little concern) to be notimportantorworthpayingattentionto : It's of little concern to me how shedresses. See more (Definition ofconcernfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)concernverb(WORRY)C1[T]tocauseworryto someone 使担忧;使挂念;使焦虑Thestateof my father'shealthconcerns usgreatly.我父亲的健康状况让我们非常担心。 [+ that]Itconcerns methathe hasn't been incontact.还没有联系到他,我很担心。 - We're now going toturnto anissuethat concerns us all -racism.
- Hisattitudeconcerns me.
- Thepoorstateof thefireescapesconcerned megreatly.
- It concerned them that nodoctorwasavailable.
- Does it concern you thatyourchildrenare out afterdark?
concernverb(INVOLVE)B2[T]to beimportantto someone or toinvolvesomeonedirectly 对…很重要;与…相关;涉及到…,关系到…Matters ofpollutionand theenvironmentconcern us all.污染和环境的问题与我们每个人都息息相关。 What I have to say to Amy doesn't concern you.我要跟埃米说的事与你无关。 B2[T]formalIf astory,film, orarticleconcerns aparticularsubject,person, etc., it is about thatpersonorsubject. (故事、电影或文章)涉及,是关于…的Thedocumentaryconcerns a woman who goes toChinaas amissionary.电影讲述的是一位去中国传教的女子的故事。 concernyourself tobecomeinvolvedwith something, orworriedabout something 关心;关注;担心There's no need for you to concernyourself withwhathappened.你不用操心发生了什么事情。 Don't concern yourself. She'll behomesoon.别担心,她很快就会回家的。 to whom it may concern something you write at thestartof aformalletterornoticewhen you do notknowexactlywho it should besentto (用于正式信函开头处)敬启者 - Trigonometry concerns thefunctionsofangles, such assine,cosineandtangent.
- How Ichoosetovotedoes not concern you.
- Thedocumentaryconcerns theeatinghabitsof Britain'steenagers.
- I didn't go to themeetingbecause nothing on theagendaseemedto concern me.
- I'llansweranyquestionsthatspecificallyconcern this week'shomework.
concernnoun(WORRY)B2[CorU]aworriedornervousfeelingabout something, or something that makes youfeelworried 担心;忧虑;挂念;忧虑的事情Concernforthesafetyof the twomissingteenagersisgrowing.两名失踪少年的安危越来越令人担忧。 There's a lot ofpublicconcernabout/overdangeroustoxinsrecentlyfoundinfood.公众对近来在食物中发现危险毒素一事非常不安。 [+ that]My concern isthatyou're not getting enoughworkdone.我担心的是你你工作的完成量不够。 - Drugtraffickingis amatterofconsiderableconcern for theentireinternationalcommunity.
- Continuedfightingin thecityiscausinggreatconcern.
- Therecentdropinmagazinesubscriptionsiscausingsome concern.
- There is concern that thegiantpandawillsoonbecomeextinct.
- There isgeneralconcern aboutrisingcrimerates.
concernnoun(BUSINESS)公司,企业afamilyconcern家族企业 Itstartedslowly, but thecompanyis now agoingconcern(= doingbusinesseffectively).公司起步很慢,但现在生意做得很好。 concernnoun(IMPORTANT TO)B2[CorU]something that isimportantto you, or thefactof beingimportant 重要的事;关心的事,关切的事;关心,关切[+ to infinitive]His concerntoappearsophisticatedamusedeveryone.他一心要显得老练,让大家觉得很好笑。 The company'ssoleconcern istoensurethesafetyofitsemployees.公司唯一关注的是要确保其员工的安全。 There'samatterofsome concern that I have todiscusswith you.我有件重要的事得跟你商量。 [CorU]something thatinvolvesoraffectsyou or isimportantto you 关切的事;关心的事;有利害关系的事What were themajorconcernsofthewritersfrom thisperiod?这一时期作家们主要关注的是什么? I don'twanttohearabout it - it's no concernofmine!我不想听那事——它与我无关! "What'shappening?" "That'snone of/not any ofyourconcern."“发生什么事了?”“不关你的事。” be of concern 很重要;有重大影响Theresultsof theelectionare of concerntous all.选举的结果对我们所有人都有重大影响。 concern| American Dictionaryconcernverb[T](WORRY)totroublesomeone withfeelingsofanxiety;worry: Thelossdidn’tbotherhim, but his team’sconfidenceconcerns him. concernverb[T](INVOLVE)toinvolvesomeone or something; have to do with: This is anissuethat should concern everyone. If astoryconcerns aparticularsubject, ittellsastoryabout thatsubject: Thenovelconcerns thedailylifeof afamilylivingin atrailer. concernnoun(BUSINESS)Heheadsalargeconcern in the midwest. concernnoun(INVOLVEMENT)[U]amatterofimportanceesp. because itinvolvesyou: Issues of good andevilare notourprimaryconcern here. What you do is no concern of mine(= I do notcare). concernnoun(WORRY)[C/U]aworriedfeeling, or astateofanxiety: [C]Parentsexpresseda lot of concerns about thechangesinschoolpolicies. (Definition ofconcernfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)concern| Business English[C]formalabusinessorcompany: Two of the country'slargeststeelconcerns areconsideringcutsinproduction. [UorC]thefactoffeelingworriedabout something, or something that makes youworry: concern about/over sthThere was a lot ofpublicconcern over the newlegislation. Pleaseraiseany concernsregardingthisdecisionwithyourmanager. to beimportantto someone, or toinvolveoraffectsomeone: Managerscomplainedthat they werespendingtoo muchtimegoing tomeetingsthat didn'tactuallyconcern them. If there areissueswhich concern you,discussthematterwith aspecialistfinancialadviser. (alsobe concerned with)to be about aparticularsubject: Ourresearchis concerned with newformsofworkorganization. To whom it may concern COMMUNICATIONSa phrase you write at thebeginningof aformalorpublicletterwhen you do notknowexactlywho it should besentto (Definition ofconcernfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofconcernconcern Repeating this process with a sample group permits the efficient collection of a substantial data set concerning underlying preferences.From theCambridge English Corpus The authors nonetheless effectively argue for pairing qualitative and quantitative techniques based on the teacher-researcher's specific pedagogical concerns.From theCambridge English Corpus Having become a mass profession, science was no longer suspected of becoming elitist and separated from the life and concerns of ordinary people.From theCambridge English Corpus Firstly, one might hold that philosophical ideas should stand or fall on their content, rather than upon the reputation of the philosopher concerned.From theCambridge English Corpus Such green speculations are problematic and will not be pursued further; purely human needs are theconcernhere.From theCambridge English Corpus My argument in this article concerns mental representations of situations in the world, as these representations existed before language, and even before communication.From theCambridge English Corpus The net impact concerns the effect on parties.From theCambridge English Corpus Only where both coincide can business be expected to act out of moral concerns for past sins or the future public good.From theCambridge English Corpus A second relevantconcernhere is whether we can treat the 901 respondents in our sample as a random subset of all survey participants.From theCambridge English Corpus A particularly sensitive issue concerns the registration of voters and the respective roles of the electoral commission and the interior ministry.From theCambridge English Corpus And this is because the community manifests equalconcern, and the rule is integral in defining rights and roles in the community.From theCambridge English Corpus Other representations concerned with technical, cognitive and musical skills may be acquired concurrently.From theCambridge English Corpus All are concerned with telling the story of her life.From theCambridge English Corpus My death is the event that is supposed to make us morally concerned in the first place.From theCambridge English Corpus Devising relevant tables for each system concerned may not be feasible.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithconcernconcernThese are words often used in combination withconcern. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. abiding concern The results inevitably reflected the lack of money available and the abiding concern with the optimization of manpower and materials. From theCambridge English Corpus aesthetic concern Needless to say, there are other ways in which the divine can be represented, independently of any affective or aesthetic concern. From theCambridge English Corpus budgetary concern While the budgetary concerns continue to influence policy changes, inflation becomes a significant factor in pension adjustments. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/concern## |