adeviceforconcentrating(=increasingthestrengthof)asubstancebyremovingorreducingtheamountof something such aswater, or bycollectingparticularatomsormoleculestogether:
浓缩器She uses anoxygenconcentrator to make iteasiertobreathe.氧气浓缩器
amirrororgroupofmirrorsthatfocuseslightfrom thesun(=directsitswavestowards aparticularpoint)so it can be used toproducepower:
聚光反射镜(透镜)Thecompanywillbuildat least 50acresofsolarconcentrators behind theplanttogeneratesolarpower.该公司将在工厂后面建造至少50英亩的太阳能聚光镜来发电。
internet & telecomsspecialized
adevicein acomputerortelephonenetworkthatcollectsandcombinesinformationorsignalsfromseparatesources:
(电脑或通讯网络中使用的)集中器Theprimaryconcentratorsprocessandstoreinformation,receivedfrom some 40meters.主集中器处理和存储从大约40米处接收到的信息。
Eachnode(PC)attachesto ahub(or concentrator)viaacable.每个节点(个人电脑)通过电缆连接到一个集线器(或集中器)上。
- The hemo concentratortakesthewholebloodandfiltersoutliquidssuch as IVfluids, beforereturningit to the Hemobag in aconcentratedform.
- The concentrator is alightweightalternativeto thebulkyoxygentankused by somepeoplewithlungdisease.
- Heinventeda newopticalconcentrator withhugepotentialfor thefutureofgreenenergy.
- The concentrators areparabolicmirrorsabout threefeetoff thegroundthatmovewith thesunandfocusenergyon atubefilledwithwater.
- Pulse emitterssendmeteredinformationto concentrators, which areconnectedto a Unixhost.
Medical dressings, supports & devices
- anti-shock
- auditory brainstem implant
- bind
- binder
- biomaterial
- biventricular pacemaker
- brace
- cotton wool
- Elastoplast
- induction loop
- kinesiology tape
- liposome
- medicine ball
- obturator
- oral implant
- plaster of Paris
- poultice
- sling
- wheelchair
- Zimmer frame
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Becoming and making stronger
Physics: optics, microscopy & lasers
Physics: energy, force & power
Computer hardware
Communications - general words
at someuniversities, someone who isstudyingaparticularsubjectastheirmainsubject:
主修某专业的大学生At Harvard in the late 1950s,philosophyconcentrators were few.1950年代末,哈佛大学主修哲学专业的学生很少。
You need ayearofmathif you're going to be abiologyconcentrator.要成为生物专业的学生,需要学习一年的数学。
- ThenumberofstudentsmajoringinAfricanandAfricanAmericanstudiesdeclinedbyhalf, from 42 concentrators twoyearsago to 22 lastyear.
- As anEnglishconcentrator you canpursueeither the Honors Program or the Elective Program, whichrequiresbetween 12 and 14courses.
Students & pupils
- alumna
- alumnus
- attrition
- batch
- batchmate
- entrant
- graduate
- homeschooler
- infant
- intern
- internship
- learner
- pupil
- schoolboy
- schoolchild
- schoolgirl
- schoolmate
- send
- theologian