noun[usually plural]
Idecidedtostopdoing anythingsocialand justspendmymoneyonhealthycomestibles.
Theythrewdinnerpartiesandtypically, they wouldflyover toParisbeforehandtopurchasecomestibles.
- The onlycomplaintwas thedelayin thearrivalof thebeveragesand the comestibles.
- Visiting amarketwith atopchefis anexcitingexperiencesince every comestiblepromptsarecipe.
- Shestaredhungrilyat thetrayoffruitycomestibles.
- Over the lastdecade, they havebecomealeadingcomestiblemanufacturer.
Food - general words
- aliment
- bed
- box scheme
- carb
- carbohydrate
- cep
- delicacy
- farm box
- fast food
- fayre
- food
- foodstuff
- grub
- mouthful
- nosh
- perishables
- portion
- produce box
- quenelle
- sustenance
Vanilla planifolia isgenerallyconsideredto be the onlyorchidthatprovidesa comestibleproduct.
Thepuppyneedstolearnthat not everything comestible is his.
- Thecashewnutdevelopson theoutsideof the comestiblecashewapple.
- The comestiblefloraof the NewWorldnowformsanamazing75percentof the globe’scultivatedfoodplants.
- In the moreremotecamps, thedeliveryof comestiblesupplieswassporadic, atbest.
Edible & inedible
- best-before date
- condemned
- drinkable
- eatable
- edible
- esculent
- fit
- indigestibility
- indigestible
- inedible
- non-edible
- palatable
- potable
- pull date
- sell-by date
- spoil
- uneatable
- unpalatable
- unripe