uk/juː//jə//jʊ/us/juː//jə//jʊ/youpronoun(PERSON/PEOPLE ADDRESSED)
used to refer to thepersonorpeoplebeingspokenor written to:
You said I could go with you.你说过我可以和你一起去。
You're comingtonight, aren't you?你今晚会过来,对吗?
Are you twoready?你俩准备好了吗?
Youpaintedthat yourself? That'sgreat!那个是你自己画的?太棒了!
you and yours
you andyourfamily:
Here'swishinga Happy NewYearto you and yours!
Ihopeyou and yours havestayedsafeduring thistroublingtime.
- I'msorrythat I wasn'tabletophoneyouyesterday.
- Are youfrightenedofspiders?
- Did you put thecarin thegarage?
- Are yousurethere isn't any way ofsolvingthisproblem?
- Do youpreferplainorstripedshirts?
Linguistics: personal pronouns
- 'em
- he
- her
- I, i
- it
- me
- number one
- personally
- S, s
- s/he
- she
- thee
- them
- themself
- thou
- us
- y'all
- you-all
- yours trulyidiom
- yous
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Family: relations in general
(泛指)你,任何人Youlearntoacceptthese things as you getolder.年纪大些之后,你开始学会接受这些事情。
You can't get adrivinglicencetill you're 17 in thiscountry.在这个国家,17岁以下人士不能获得驾驶执照。
Too muchalcoholisbadfor you.饮酒过量对身体有害。
How do you get this thing tostart?怎样才能让这东西启动?
- On acleardayyou canseethemountainsfrom here.
- With thismodelyou get aradio, CDplayerandcassettedeckall in one.
- I don't likebodybuilderswho are sooverdevelopedyou canseetheveinsintheirbulgingmuscles.
- If youlistencarefullyto thispieceofmusic, you canhearaflutein thebackground.
- There was apenaltyclausewhich said you had topayhalfthecostif youcancelledyourbooking.
Linguistics: personal pronouns
- 'em
- he
- her
- I, i
- it
- me
- number one
- personally
- S, s
- s/he
- she
- thee
- them
- themself
- thou
- us
- y'all
- you-all
- yours trulyidiom
- yous
Pronouns: personal (I, me,you,him,it,they, etc.)
We use personal pronouns in place of noun phrases. We often use them to refer back to people and things that we have already identified (underlined):…Subject and object pronouns
Personal subject pronouns act as the subject of a clause. We use them before a verb to show who is doing the verb. We do not usually leave out the pronoun:…I,me
We use I and me to refer to the speaker or writer. I is the subject form and me is the object form:…You
We use you to refer to the listener or reader. It is both the subject and the object form. You can refer to one person or more than one person. It is usually clear from the context whether you is singular or plural:…He,him;she,her
He, him, she and her are singular third person pronouns. He and him are the masculine forms. She and her are the feminine forms:…It
We use it to refer to things:…We,us
We use we and us to refer to different groups of people, but always including the speaker. We and us can refer to the speaker + the listener, or the speaker + other people but not the listener, or people in general including the speaker:…They,them
We use they and them to refer to specific groups of people, things and animals:…Pronouns:one,you,we,they
One, you, we and they are generic personal pronouns. We can use one, you, we and they to refer to ‘people in general’.…One,youandwe
We can use one, you or we when we are making generalisations and not referring to any one person in particular. When used like this, one, you and we can include the speaker or writer:…They
We can use they to talk about a wide group of people, such as an authority or an institution. In such cases, they does not refer to specific people:…Idioms
you and me both
you do you
you got it