yellowfin tuna
uk/ˌjel.əʊ.fɪn ˈtʃuː.nə/us/ˌjel.oʊ.fɪn ˈtuː.nə/pluralyellowfin tunaoryellowfin tunasalargetypeoftuna(= afishthatlivesinwarmseas)that has someyellowfins(=thinverticalpartsstickingout of itbodythathelpbalanceandmovement), or thefleshof thisfisheatenasfood:
Hesentaphotographof himselfholdinga yellowfintuna.
skipjack tuna
bluefin tuna
- Thetechnologycantraceyellowfintunafrom thetimeit'scaughtto themomentithitsstoreshelves.
- At theaquariumthegreatwhitesharkis in adisplaywith bluefin and yellowfintuna,blackseaturtlesand othersharks.
- We hadfreshyellowfintunasaladwithharicotbeans.
- Supermarkets usuallysellsushimade from yellowfintuna.
- Adayfishingatseausuallyyieldsmarlin and yellowfintuna.
- Thepopulationof the yellowfintunahasbeguntoshrinkduetooverfishing.
Sea fish
- albacore
- American shad
- anchovy
- barracuda
- beluga
- dory
- eel
- elver
- flatfish
- flathead
- manta ray
- marlin
- nurse shark
- pilchard
- plaice
- sprat
- stickleback
- stingray
- stonefish
- sturgeon
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Fish & seafood