word list
language(alsowordlist)uk/ˈwɜːd ˌlɪst/us/ˈwɝːd ˌlɪst/alistof words,especiallywhen these words arecollectedfor aparticularpurpose, forexamplewords that someone has tolearn, or wordsexplainedin adictionary:
As youread,addunfamiliarwords toyourwordlistso you canpractisethemlater.
Thesestoriesarebasedon thesyllabusand wordlists foroursuccessfulEnglishlanguagecourse.
- Thespellingcheckerhad a wordlistof around 40,000 words.
- HeimprovedhisScrabblescoresbystudyingwordlists.
- Acommitteeof Deaf andhearingpeopleused aSwedishwordlisttoestablishwhich words hadsigntranslations.
- Thelinguistsrecordednativespeakersof Latvianreadingboth a wordlist and ashortnarrative.
Lists and catalogues
- agenda
- archivist
- bibliographical
- birthday honours
- bucket list
- glycaemic index
- hit list
- honor roll
- honours list
- indices
- questionnaire
- recital
- roll of honour
- roster
- rota
- the White Pages
- waiting list
- wedding list
- whitelist
- wish list