adjective[before noun]
uk/ˌwɪnˈwɪn/us/ˌwɪnˈwɪn/A win-winsituationorresultis one that is good for everyone who isinvolved:
不会输的;双赢的Flexibleworkinghoursare a win-winsituationforemployersandemployees.灵活的工作时间对于雇主和雇员来说是双赢的。
Supporters ofglobalizationassertthat it is a win-winpropositionfor therichand thepoor.
- Foremployers,allowingstafftoworkfromhomehasproveda win-winsituation.
- Thissituationis win-win for everyone.
- Itlookslike a win-windealto me and I'm going toencouragetheadministrationtosupporttheidea.
Useful or advantageous
- advantageous
- advantageously
- all-singing
- amiss
- asset
- fecund
- foil
- fruitfully
- fruitfulness
- functionally
- gainfully
- general
- preferential
- productive
- productively
- profitable
- profitably
- sniff
- wholesomeness
- worthwhile
uk/ˌwɪnˈwɪn/us/ˌwɪnˈwɪn/aresultthat is good for everyone who isinvolvedin asituation:
双赢的结果,皆大欢喜的结果Thedecisionis a win-win for bothsides.这个决定对双方而言都有利。
Thewindturbinesare a win-win forfarmersandhomeowners.
- It's arealwin-win for everyone.
- Let'sfinda way to make a win-win out of this.
- In thelongrun, a win-win is the onlyrealisticgoal.
Useful or advantageous
- advantageous
- advantageously
- all-singing
- amiss
- asset
- fecund
- foil
- fruitfully
- fruitfulness
- functionally
- gainfully
- general
- preferential
- productive
- productively
- profitable
- profitably
- sniff
- wholesomeness
- worthwhile