zip wire
UKuk/ˈzɪp ˌwaɪər/us/ˈzɪp ˌwaɪr/(alsozip line,flying fox)alongthickwireattachedbetween twopoints, onehigherthan the other, that you canmovealongquicklywhilehangingfrom asmallwheel, asentertainmentor as a way oftravellingabove andacrosssomething:
高空滑索,高空飞索,单索滑降Activitiesincludearchery,zipwire, andabseiling.活动包括射箭、高空飞索和绕绳下降。
It's acomplicatedset-upofzipwirescalled Sky Trek.

Justin Lewis/Stone/GettyImages
- One of the park'ssignatureridesis azipwireaffixedto a 200-ft.cliffthatracesto abeachbelow.
- Thewobblybridges,zipwires,steepslides, andmazeareentertainingtoo.
- Outside there's aplayarea,includingazipwire(from whichadultsareunfortunatelybanned).
Miscellaneous pastimes & their participants
- asana
- bicycling
- brass rubbing
- campanologist
- coasteering
- flying fox
- gearhead
- gongoozler
- gongoozling
- longboarding
- numismatics
- philatelist
- philately
- pigeon fancier
- potholing
- storm chaser
- storm chasing
- sunbathing
- tailgating
- trainspotter