辣味香菜酱Yemenitesbelievethatdailyconsumptionof zhougwardsoffdiseaseandstrengthenstheheart.也门人认为,每天食用辣味香菜酱可以抵御疾病并增强心脏功能。
MychkoAlezander/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Zhoug: In ablender, puree enoughchillipepperstomeasure1cup. Pureeparsleyandcoriandertogether andblendwell with thechillipeppers. Addgarlic,seasoningsandoliveoil.
- From theWestof theArabpeninsula, from Yemen, comes zhoug, afieryrelishandcondiment.
- Use the zhougsauceas adippingsauce.
- In somevariantsof the Yemenicondimentzhoug, theheatofgreenchilliesistransmittedbyoliveoil.
Sauces, dressings, dips & pickles
- aioli
- aji
- Alfredo
- apple sauce
- arrowroot
- coulis
- Cumberland sauce
- custard
- custard powder
- dashi
- kung pao
- mango chutney
- marinade
- mayo
- mayonnaise
- salad dressing
- salsa
- sambal
- scalloped
- soy sauce