work upsomething
phrasal verbwithworkverbuk/wɜːk/us/wɝːk/
todevelopanemotionalorphysicalstatethat youfeelstrongly, after aperiodofeffortortime:
Weworkedup arealappetiteclimbingin themountains.
It'sstrange, but I can'tworkup anyenthusiasmfor going on thistrip.
Effort and expending energy
- assiduity
- assiduous
- assiduously
- assiduousness
- be running on emptyidiom
- blood
- elbow grease
- fight
- hamster wheel
- hard at itidiom
- heavy lifting
- heroically
- kill
- push
- putsomethingin/putsomethingintosomething
- rearguard action
- set/putyourmind tosomethingidiom
- shot
- slog
- slugger