noun[Cusually singular]
uk/ˌwɜːk.təˈruːl/us/ˌwɝːk.təˈruːl/aformofprotestin whichemployeesdoexactlywhat isstatedintheircontracts, and nothing more, inordertoslowdownproduction:
(严格按章工作、有意减少工作量的)变相怠工A work-to-rule isseenas a way toprotestagainstlowpayorbadworkingconditions.大多数的变相怠工都是对低工资或恶劣工作环境的抗议。
Industrial action
- abstain
- anti-strike
- blackleg
- cooling-off period
- demarcation dispute
- job action
- lightning strike
- lock
- locksomeoneout
- lockout
- picket
- strike
- strike pay
- strikebound
- strikebreaker
- strikebreaking
- striker
- sympathy
- union-bashing
- walk
uk/ˌwɜːk.təˈruːl/us/ˌwɝːk.təˈruːl/work to rule
toarrangeandperforma work-to-rule:
进行变相怠工Sofar, therefusecollectorshave not resorted to astrikebut areworkingtorule.迄今为止,清洁工人们还没有进行罢工,只是严格按章工作变相怠工。
Industrial action
- abstain
- anti-strike
- blackleg
- cooling-off period
- demarcation dispute
- job action
- lightning strike
- lock
- locksomeoneout
- lockout
- picket
- strike
- strike pay
- strikebound
- strikebreaker
- strikebreaking
- striker
- sympathy
- union-bashing
- walk
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Work, working and the workplace