phrasal verbwithworkverbuk/wɜːk/us/wɝːk/
to do acalculationto get ananswerto amathematicalquestion:
We need toworkout thetotalcostof theproject.
- Can youworkout how much eachcardcost?
- I need toworkout how muchtaxI will have topay.
- When weworkedout how much itcostus torunacar, wedecidedtosellit.
Solving and solutions
- band-aid solution
- be at the bottom ofsomethingidiom
- bottom
- clear(something)up
- clue
- conquer
- fall
- figure
- holding operation
- ironsomethingout
- it will (all) come out in the washidiom
- kill or cureidiom
- lateral thinking
- round
- solution
- talksomethingout
- untangle
- way roundidiom
- work throughsomething
- workaround
C2(USusuallyfigure sth out)
tounderstandsomething or tofindtheanswerto something bythinkingabout it:
[+ question word]There will be afullinvestigationtoworkoutwhatcausedtheaccident.
[+ that]Investigatorsneededseveralmonthstoworkoutthatafraudhad beencommitted.
- I couldn'tworkout what was going on.
- We'retryingtoworkout how tofinishtheproject.
- I couldn'tworkout what hisexpressionmeant.
Solving and solutions
- band-aid solution
- be at the bottom ofsomethingidiom
- bottom
- clear(something)up
- clue
- conquer
- fall
- figure
- holding operation
- ironsomethingout
- it will (all) come out in the washidiom
- kill or cureidiom
- lateral thinking
- round
- solution
- talksomethingout
- untangle
- way roundidiom
- work throughsomething
- workaround