uk/wɪp/us/wɪp/whipnoun(DEVICE FOR HITTING)
apieceofleatherorropethat isfastenedto astick, used forhittinganimalsorpeople:
鞭子,皮鞭Shelashedthehorsesmercilesslywith herlongwhip.她毫不留情地用长鞭抽打着马匹。
The lion-tamercrackedhis whip.驯狮员打了个响鞭。

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Horse riding
- bridle
- canter
- cinch
- curry
- endurance rider
- endurance riding
- equestrianism
- eventer
- girth
- high-spirited
- horseman
- jib
- jodhpurs
- mounted
- pony trekking
- rein
- saddle-sore
- sidesaddle
- silk
- snaffle
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hand weapons
(in manyelectedpoliticalsystems) amemberof apoliticalpartyin aparliamentor in thelegislaturewhosejobis to makecertainthat otherpartymembersarepresentatvotingtimeand also to makecertainthat theyvotein aparticularway:
(政党在议会或立法机关中监督该党其他党员在投票时出席并按规定投票的)组织秘书,党鞭Hargreaves is the MP who got intotroublewith his party'schiefwhip foropposingthetaxreform.哈格里夫斯就是那位因反对税收改革而与其党内的组织秘书产生矛盾的议员。
He isseenas afuturepartywhip.
in Britishpolitics, a writtenorderthatpartymembersmust bepresentinparliamentwhen there is to be animportantvote, or that they mustvotein aparticularway:
In 1970 hedefiedathree-line(= the mosturgent)whip against ECmembership.
the whip
in Britishpolitics, therightof someoneelectedto aparliamenttovoteas anofficialmemberof aparticularpoliticalparty:
Seniorfiguresin theLabourPartysaid that theyintendtowithdrawthe whip from the MP as the firststepto him beingthrownout of theparty.
He was one of the anti-EuropeanToryMPswholostthe whip under Prime MinisterJohnMajor.
Sheresignedthepartywhip inprotestat theproposedlegislation.
International relations: United States politics & government
- anti-Republican
- battleground state
- bicameral
- blue state
- caucus
- confederacy
- G-man
- gubernatorial
- homeland security
- House Committee
- impeach
- joint resolution
- republican
- secret service
- secretary
- Secretary of State
- the Articles of Confederation
- the GOP
- the Republican Party
- the White House
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
UK politics: legislation & law-making
whipnoun(SWEET FOOD)
asweetfoodmade fromcreamorbeateneggmixedtogether withfruit
Ekaterina Smirnova/Moment/GettyImages
Puddings, desserts & ices
- baked Alaska
- baklava
- banana split
- bananas Foster
- banoffee pie
- crumble
- dessert
- dulce de leche
- dumpling
- entremets
- Jell-O
- knafeh
- knickerbocker glory
- kugel
- lolly
- soufflé
- spotted dick
- summer pudding
- sundae
- syllabub
汽车He got a new whip.他买了辆新车。
- 4×4
- all-wheel drive
- artic
- automobile
- banger
- beetle
- black cab
- classic car
- crock
- hardtop
- Jeep
- Merc
- Mk
- sport utility vehicle
- station wagon
- stock car
- supercar
- town car
- tuktuk
- turbo
have/hold the whip hand
uk/wɪp/us/wɪp/-pp-whipverb(DO QUICKLY)
[Tusually+ adv/prep]
tobringor take somethingquickly:
迅速拿来;快速拿走She whipped ahandkerchiefout ofherpocketandwipedhisface.她迅速从口袋里掏出一块手绢,擦了擦他的脸。
He whipped thecoversoffthebed.他一把将床罩从床上揭了下来。
I was going topaybut before Iknewit he'd whippedouthiscreditcard.本来我打算付账,可我还没明白过来,他就掏出了他的信用卡。
They whipped myplateawaybefore I'devenfinished.我还没吃完,他们就把我的盘子收走了。
[IorT,+ adv/prep]literary
to (causesomething to)movequicklyandforcefully:
(使…)快速移动Thewindwhippedacrossthe half-frozenlake.风刮过半结冰的湖面。
Transferring and transporting objects
- bear
- bearer
- bike
- bike rack
- bore
- borne
- bring
- budge
- bus
- call forsomeone
- chauffeur
- convey
- portage
- post-delivery
- putsomething/someonedown
- redeliver
- redelivery
- transplant
- transport
- transportation
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Making short, sudden movements
whipverb(BEAT FOOD)
tobeatfood,especiallycream, with aspecialpieceofequipmentinorderto make itthickandfirm:
搅打(尤指奶油)使成糊状Could you whip thecreamfor me?你能帮我搅打一下奶油吗?
Try whipping a littlebrandyor otherliqueurintothecream.试着将一些白兰地或其他酒类搅进奶油里。
Top with whippedcreamand asprinkleofsugar.浇上掼奶油并撒上些糖。
Preparing food
- batch cooking
- biga
- bind
- boil
- butter
- buttered
- can't boil an eggidiom
- clarify
- glaze
- glazed
- grate
- ingredient
- jerk
- purée
- re-season
- recipe
- rehydrate
- restuff
- toss
- zap
tohitapersonoranimalwith a whip:
鞭打,鞭笞I don't like the way thedriverswhiptheirhorses.我不喜欢马车夫那样鞭打马匹。
Punishing by causing pain
- birch
- cane
- caning
- cat-o'-nine-tails
- corporal punishment
- flagellate
- horsewhip
- lynch
- lynch law
- lynching
- mortification
- paddle
- smack
- spanking
- tar and feathersomeoneidiom
- thrash
- thrashing
- thumbscrew
- waterboard
- waterboarding
todefeatapersonor ateamin acompetition,especiallyin asport:
Theybeatus lasttime, but we whipped them in a rematch.
He whipped him intheirfighttwoyearsago.
Winning and defeating
- annihilate
- annihilation
- bank
- be gunning forsomeoneidiom
- be one in the eye forsomeoneidiom
- convincing
- moral victory
- move/go in for the killidiom
- near thing
- outclass
- outcompete
- sew
- slaughter
- sweep
- sweep the boardidiom
- takesomeonedown
- takesomeoneto the cleaner'sidiom
- takesomethingapart
- takedown
- thrash
(of awhipof apoliticalparty) to makecertainthat otherpartymembersarepresentin aparliament, etc. tovoteon aparticularthing or to makecertainthat theyvotein aparticularway:
LabourPartymemberswere whippedtosupporttheBill.
- ConservativeMPswere whipped tovotefor anextensionto the lockdown.
UK politics: legislation & law-making
- abolish
- abrogate
- abrogation
- amend
- amendment
- assemblyman
- constitutional
- enforce
- gold plate
- Green Paper
- guillotine
- hard Brexitidiom
- jurisprudence
- presiding officer
- Prime Minister's Questions
- private member's bill
- prohibit
- prohibition
- sanction
- writ
- abscond
- aggravated burglary
- anti-burglar
- anti-burglary
- anti-piracy
- hot-wire
- housebreaking
- jemmy
- jimmy
- job
- kleptomania
- piracy
- piratical
- plunder
- poach
- poaching
- rustle
- rustling
- snaffle
- snarf
Phrasal verbs