wet market
uk/ˈwet ˌmɑː.kɪt/us/ˈwet ˌmɑːr.kɪt/especiallyinAsia, amarketwherefreshmeat,fish,fruit,vegetables, and sometimesliveanimalsaresoldto thepublic:
传统市场; 湿货市场Sheshoppedat one of the city's manywetmarkets, thatselleverything fromslabsofmeattoicedfish.她在这个城市的众多湿货市场之一购物,那里从肉片到冰鱼什么都买得到。
At the city'swetmarkets, themarketfloorsareconstantlywasheddown.该市的湿货市场经常清洁他们的楼层。
- Thesupermarketis attimesasnoisyas awetmarket-althoughthankfullynot assmelly.
- Workers at thewetmarketsweresluicingdown thetilesthat atdawnwerepiledhigh withproduce.
- This is where you come tobuycheong sams, barbecuedduck, andlivefrogsat thewetmarket.
Shops & auctions
- army disposals store
- army surplus store
- army-navy store
- art gallery
- auction
- craft fair
- craft shop
- creamery
- deli
- delicatessen
- liquor store
- mall
- mart
- meat market
- medical hall
- store
- strip mall
- super-sale
- supermarket
- superstore