uk/wiːk/us/wiːk/weakadjective(NOT STRONG)
(身体)虚弱的,无力的It's notsurprisingyoufeelweak if you haven'teatenproperlyfordays.如果你几天都没有好好吃东西的话,觉得虚弱无力是很自然的。
Theelectromagneticfieldstrengthbecomesweaker as youmovefurtheraway from highvoltagecables.当你远离高压线时,电磁场强度就会变弱。
easily broken
- breakablePut breakable ornaments on a high shelf when young children come to visit.
- fragileSmall mammal bones are extremely fragile.
- delicateThe plant has delicate white flowers.
- brittleThe ground was a carpet of dried leaves and brittle twigs.
- weakThe floors were uneven and too weak to support the heavy equipment.
not physically strong
- weakShe was too tired and weak to finish the race.
- feebleMany of the pensioners were so feeble they had to be stretchered onto the ship.
- punyHe was puny as a child.
- weedyUKI was just this weedy guy who always had his head in a book.
- frailA frail, grey-haired lady walked slowly down the street.
breaking easily
- weakIf trees do not get enough water they become weak.
- strongSteel is a very strong material.
- flimsyThere was only a flimsy inflatable raft between him and the raging river
- ricketyWe climbed up the rickety wooden stairs.
- fragileSome objects are too fragile to be moved between the museums.
- delicateShe carefully wrapped up the delicate glass ornaments.
notstrongincharacter, so that you are notableto makedecisionsor topersuadeorleadotherpeople:
意志薄弱的;怯懦的,无决断力的He was a weakkingsurroundedbycorruptadvisers.他是个软弱无能的国王,身边都是些腐败的顾问。
A weakargumentorexcuseis one that is notlikelyto beacceptedorbelieved:
He gave the weakest ofexcuseswhenaskedwhy he was late.当被问及为何迟到时,他给出了一个极其牵强的理由。
A weakdrinkcontainsa lot ofwatercomparedtoitsothercontents, so that it does not have astrongflavour:
(饮品)稀的,味淡的I can'tstandweakcoffee.我喝不了淡咖啡。
not having a strong taste or flavour
- blandThe soup is very bland, it could use more herbs and spices.
- tastelessThe boiled chicken is practically tasteless.
- flavourlessUKThese tomatoes from the grocer's are flavourless.
- insipidHe was drinking an insipid light beer.
- watered-downThe bar served bad food and watered-down cocktails.
A weakacid,alkali, orchemicalbasedoes notproducemanyions(=atomswith anelectricalcharge)when it isdissolvedinwater.
(酸或碱)弱电解的,弱电解质的- He's stillfeelingabitweak after hisoperation.
- Theteamhas astrongattack, butitsdefenceis weak.
- Myankleisratherweak, so I always put abandageon it tosupportit when Iplaytennis.
- How do you likeyourtea-strongor weak?
- We could justpickout thepathin the weakbeamof thetorch.
Weakness and vulnerability
- Achilles heel
- at a low ebbidiom
- be (only) flesh and bloodidiom
- besomeone'spoodleidiom
- brittle
- helplessly
- helplessness
- house of cardsidiom
- human
- impotence
- sitting target
- soft target
- submissive
- submissively
- submissiveness
- wetly
- wetness
- wimpy
- wonky
- wuss
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Not believable
Drinks - general words
Chemistry: types of chemical
weakadjective(NOT GOOD)
not good enough,especiallyinability,skill, orquality:
不符合标准的;不够好的;能力不够的He was always weakat/inlanguagesbutstronginscience.他一向在语言方面不擅长,但理科很拿手。
Ourquizteamis abitweakonsport.我们的竞答小组在体育运动方面有点儿弱。
In the end Ithinkthefilmwasspoiltby a weakstoryline.最后,我认为这部电影被糟糕的故事情节给毁了。
bad at something
- bad atI was overweight and bad at sport.
- hopelessI’m completely hopeless in the kitchen.
- uselessUKHe’s useless at maths.
- rubbishUKShe’s a pretty rubbish singer, really.
- incompetentThe rules have made it hard to remove incompetent teachers.
Inability and awkwardness
- accident-prone
- adorkable
- all thumbsidiom
- amateurish
- amateurishly
- for toffeeidiom
- fumble
- functional illiteracy
- gauche
- geek
- jack-of-all-trades
- jack-of-all-trades, master of noneidiom
- klutzy
- like a bull in a china shopidiom
- lost
- toffee
- unable
- uncoordinated
- uneducable
- unenterprising
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Not good enough
A weakchinissmalland does notstickout from theface.
(下巴)小的,不凸出的The head & face
- -cheeked
- -chinned
- -faced
- -necked
- cheekbone
- chin
- chiselled
- chop
- dimpled
- duck face
- frontal
- jowl
- mandible
- maxillofacial
- modiolus
- mug
- nose
- nucha
- nuchal
- physiognomy
weak at the knees