watch party
mainlyUSuk/ˈwɒtʃ ˌpɑː.ti/us/ˈwɑːtʃ ˌpɑːr.t̬i/(alsowatching party)
anoccasionwhenpeoplewatchabroadcasteventtogether, forexampleasportsgameor theresultsof anelection, often in apublicplace:
She said thatpeoplewhoattendedwatchpartieslearnedas much, if not more, fromconversationswith otherpeoplethan from the show itself.
Afriendof mine isorganizingAmerican-styledebatewatchingpartiesatlocalpubsin Liverpool.
anoccasionwhenpeoplein differentplaceswatchatelevisionshow,video, etc. at the sametimeanddiscussit using theinternet:
Tohostavirtualwatchpartyyou first need toqueueup thevideoyouwanttoplayandstartaZoommeeting.
Therefollowsalistof all thestreamingservicesandappsthatletyouhostvirtualwatchparties.
- Theschoolhostedthedebateandprovidedrelatedprogrammingthroughoutthecity, from amuseumexhibittolectures, and awatchpartyfeaturinggiantscreensand aband.
- Theirfamilyfootballwatchingpartyturnedintonationalnewsspectaclebecause of animportantguestdroppingby.
- Theysawthegameat awatchpartyat a Dallasrestaurant.
- We'rehostinganelectionnightwatchparty.
Celebrations, parties & special occasions
- afterparty
- April Fool's Day
- baby shower
- bachelor party
- backslapping
- dinner
- dinner dance
- Easter egg hunt
- fayre
- feast
- masked ball
- masquerade
- mela
- Mother's Day
- New Year's Eve
- tea party
- trick-or-treating
- Valentine's Day
- wassail
- wassailer
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