washing powder
UKuk/ˈwɒʃ.ɪŋ ˌpaʊ.dər/us/ˈwɑː.ʃɪŋ ˌpaʊ.dɚ/(USlaundry detergent)apowderused in awashingmachinetowashclothes:
洗衣粉Thiswashingpowderdoesn'tseemto get theclothesveryclean.这种洗衣粉似乎没有把衣服洗得很干净。
Somewashingpowdersarepuresoapflakesandthereforedo notcontainbleach.有些洗衣粉是纯肥皂片,因此不含漂白剂。
- Have youchangedyourwashingpowderrecently?
- Add a littlewashingpowderto the machine'sdrum.
- Allwashingpowderscontainone or morechemicalscalled "surfactants".
Cleaning agents
- -cide
- abrasive
- anti-smoke
- biological
- bleach
- cleaner
- cleanser
- dip
- dish soap
- disinfectant
- germicide
- hand gel
- hand sanitizer
- non-phosphate
- nonbiological
- peroxide
- rinse aid
- sanitizer
- shower gel
- soap flakes