welfare cheque
UK & Australian English & Canadian English(USwelfare check)uk/ˈwel.feə ˌtʃek/us/ˈwel.fer ˌtʃek/apaymentmade by thegovernmentor anorganizationto apersonwhoneedshelpbecause they do not have enoughmoney:
社会福利支票(政府或组织向需要经济援助的人支付的款项)In Toronto, theaveragerentfor abachelorapartmentis $962 while awelfarechequeis amere$721 intotal.在多伦多,单身公寓的平均租金是962美元,而社会福利支票总共只有721美元。
Once she gets her firstwelfarecheque, she says, sheplanstofindanapartment.她说,她打算一拿到第一张社会福利支票就去找一套公寓。
- Theexamplehe gave was the FoundingFathersof the Republic. Nobodyhandedthemwelfarecheques.
- Threetimesamonth- when thewelfarechequesarrive- theystockup ongroceries.
- Thestateismovingtoreplacethepaperwelfarechequewith adebitcard.
- Give thesepeopleaplacetolive,jobtraining, make themfeelusefulinsteadof just giving them awelfarecheque.
Social security & state benefits
- anti-welfare
- basic income
- be on reliefidiom
- benefit
- family allowance
- family credit
- giro
- housing benefit
- income support
- relief
- sickness benefit
- sign(something)off
- social security
- social welfare
- unemployment
- unemployment benefit
- welfare
- welfare state