vouch forsomething/someone
phrasal verbwithvouchverb[+ that]uk/vaʊtʃ/us/vaʊtʃ/
to say that youknowfromexperiencethat something istrueor good, or that someone ishonestand has a goodcharacter:
Patricia hascheckedthereportsand canvouchfor theaccuracyof theinformation.
Making & breaking promises & commitments
- bond
- breach
- broken
- cross my heart (and hope to die)idiom
- deliver
- fink
- go back onsomething
- guarantor
- Hippocratic oath
- honour
- keep (herself) toherselfidiom
- promise
- redeem
- renege
- so help me (God)idiom
- swear
- uncommitted
- unkept
- warranty
- welch