wake up tosomething
phrasal verbwithwakeverb[IorT]uk/weɪk/us/weɪk/past tensewokeorwaked|past participlewokenorwaked(alsowake up)
tostarttounderstandthat asituationorproblemexists:
Governments arefinallywakingup to thefactthat theenvironmentshould becleanedup.
Understanding and comprehending
- apprehend
- apprehensible
- apprehension
- astutely
- atyourfingertipsidiom
- connection
- figure
- hold
- keenness
- keepsomeoneup
- know a hawk from a handsawidiom
- know the scoreidiom
- know/see wheresomeoneis coming fromidiom
- scale
- uncomprehending
- uncomprehendingly
- understand
- voice recognition
- wisdom
- wise