toexpressyourchoiceoropinion,especiallybyofficiallywriting amarkon apaperor byraisingyourhandorspeakingin ameeting:
投票;选举;(对…)进行表决She was tooyoungto voteintheelection.她的年龄太小,不能在选举中投票。
Thecommitteevotedontheproposal, andaccepteditunanimously.委员会就这一提议进行投票表决,结果一致通过。
Did you votefororagainstthemotion?对这项动议你投了赞成票还是反对票?
Over 55percentvotedDemocrat.55%的选民投了民主党的票。
[+ to infinitive]Employees votedtoaccepttheofferof an eightpercentpayrise.员工表决同意接受8%的工资涨幅。
[+ (that)]I vote(that)we(= Ithinkwe should)go to thecinemafirst andeatafterwards.我觉得我们应该先去看电影,然后再去吃饭。
[+ obj + noun]Theeveningwas voted atremendoussuccess(= this was most people'sopinion).大部分人认为那场晚会是非常成功的。
It was theyoungermemberswho voted Smithontothecommittee.是年纪较轻的成员将史密斯选进了委员会。
TheConservativePartywas votedinto/out ofoffice(= waschosenin anelectiontobecome/stopbeing thegovernment).保守党被选上/下了台。
- Civilrightsincludefreedom,equalityinlawand inemployment, and therightto vote.
- Onlypeopleover 18 areeligibleto vote.
- Now that we'veheardall theargumentsfor and against theproposal, shall we vote on it?
- Only 40percentofpeoplebotheredto vote in theelection.
- Put acrossnext to thenameof thecandidateyouwantto vote for.
- absentee
- absentee ballot
- absentee vote
- absentee voter
- absentee voting
- entrance poll
- exit poll
- first-past-the-post
- flip
- franchise
- primary
- proportional representation
- proxy
- proxy vote
- proxy voter
- voting
- voting booth
- voting machine
- voting slip
- whistle-stop
vote withyourfeet
vote withyourwallet
votesomethingup or down
Phrasal verbs
theactofshowingyourchoiceoropinionin anelectionormeetingby writing an X on anofficialpieceofpaperor puttingyourhandup:
(选)票;表决意见Thesuggestionwasapproved, with 25 votes infavour, and seven against.25票赞成,7票反对,这项提议获得了通过。
Shecasther vote(= voted)for the Independentcandidate.她投票支持独立候选人。
B2[Cusually singular]
a way of making adecisionbyaskingagroupofpeopleto vote:
投票;表决;选举We called ameetinginordertotake/holda voteontheissue.我们召集了一次会议对这个问题进行表决。
the vote[S]
thetotalnumberof votes given orreceivedin anelection:
总投票数Thepartygot/took25percentof the vote.该党获得了总票数的25%。
They aretryingtocapturethefemalevote(= topersuadewomen to vote for them).他们正在试图争取女性选民的选票。
thefactof beingofficiallyallowedto vote:
选举权;表决权In somecountrieswomen still don'thavethe vote.在某些国家女性仍然没有选举权。
putsomethingto the/a vote
to vote on something:
对…进行表决Theproposalwasreadout and then put to the vote.这项提议被宣读,然后提交表决。
- In ahistoricvote, theChurchofEnglanddecidedtoallowwomen tobecomepriests.
- Withnearlyall the votescounted, Mr Soto hadpolled67percentof the vote.
- There were ten votes infavour, six against, and threeabstentions.
- We're stillwaitingfor the votes to becountedup.
- Theproposaltochangetheruleswasnarrowlydefeatedby 201 votes to 196.
- absentee
- absentee ballot
- absentee vote
- absentee voter
- absentee voting
- entrance poll
- exit poll
- first-past-the-post
- flip
- franchise
- primary
- proportional representation
- proxy
- proxy vote
- proxy voter
- voting
- voting booth
- voting machine
- voting slip
- whistle-stop