uk/ˈvaɪ.brəˈvaɪ.brə a way that isenergetic,exciting, andfullofenthusiasm:
活跃地;精力充沛地;热情洋溢地Ilivein Vancouver, which is a vibrantly multi-culturalcity.我住在温哥华,这是一个充满活力的多元文化城市。
I am nowrecoveredand vibrantlyhealthy!我现在已经康复,而且精力充沛!
(oflightorcolour) in a way that isbrightandstrong:
(色彩)鲜艳地;(光线)明亮地We take a pre-breakfastswimto thenearbyreefandstareat the vibrantlycolouredfish.我们在早餐前游到附近的珊瑚礁,盯着五颜六色的鱼看。
Theroadswindthrough vibrantlygreencountryside.道路蜿蜒穿过绿意盎然的乡村。
- Thepiecemay sometimeslackfocusbut is always vibrantlyalive.
- Welayout on thegrass,staringup at thestarsthatshoneso vibrantly away from thecity.
- akaleidoscopeof vibrantlydyedsilk
Exciting and interesting
- absorbing
- action-packed
- adventurous
- alley
- arresting
- bracing
- coruscating
- excitingly
- exhilarating
- fancifully
- fascinating
- fast lane
- racy
- rip-roaring
- riveting
- romantic
- romantically
- rousing
- sensationally
- spectacularly
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The qualities of colour