uk/ˌjuːˈeks/us/ˌjuːˈeks/business,internet & telecomsspecialized
abbreviationforuserexperience: theexperienceof someone using aproduct,system, orservice, forexamplewhether theyfinditenjoyableandeasyto use:
用户体验(user experience 缩写)He isdirectorof UX at asocialmediasite.他是一家社交媒体网站的用户体验总监。
- Theroleinvolveshelpingtoshapethe UXacrossdifferentEuropeanterritories.
- We are going tointroduceandbreakdown what UXmeansand how itaffectsus all inoureverydaylives.
- Softwaredevelopersmustconsiderthe UXaspectofapplications.
- Theterm"touchpoint" is verycommonto UXpractitioners.
Easiness and simplicity
- (as) easy as pie/ABC/anything/falling off a logidiom
- a piece of cakeidiom
- accessibility
- at the push of a buttonidiom
- at the stroke of a penidiom
- be (all) downhillidiom
- doss
- friendly
- gift
- gimme
- give/handsomethingtosomeoneon a (silver) platteridiom
- handily
- painless
- painting by numbersidiom
- platter
- presto
- rarefied
- the path of least resistanceidiom
- walkaway
- walkover
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Internet terminology
Advertising and marketing