useful idiot
politicsspecializeduk/ˌjuːs.fəl ˈɪd.i.ət/us/ˌjuːs.fəl ˈɪd.i.ət/apersonwho iseasytopersuadeto do, say, orbelievethings thathelpaparticulargroupor anotherpersonpolitically:
有用的白痴(指容易被说服去做、说或相信在政治上对某一特定群体有利的事情的人)If theylettheirfaithbe used as apoliticaltooltheybecomeusefulidiotsfor onepartyor another.如果他们让自己的信仰被用作政治工具,就会成为一个或另一个党派的有用白痴。
In the past, hepraisedthepoliticianas apotentialally;yesterdayhebrandedhim a "usefulidiot".过去,他曾称赞这位政治家是潜在的盟友,而昨天又说他是“有用的白痴”。
- Communistinsiders,followingLenin,describedpeoplewhowantedtobelievesuchfairytalesas "usefulidiots".
- He said he wassickof "thewhiningof Bush and Blair'susefulidiotsin theliberalmedia".
- While theformerdictatormayfoolhimself, and a fewusefulidiotson theright, he will notfoolus.
- All of theseactivists,claimedtheauthorities, were theusefulidiotsof aredplot.
Political movements & groups
- alt-right
- anti-Bolshevik
- anti-Bolshevism
- anti-capitalism
- antidisestablishmentarianism
- Antifa
- awkward
- big tent
- labour movement
- left
- left-winger
- leftism
- right-winger
- rightist
- sectarian
- sectarianism
- the awkward gangidiom
- the left wing
- the SDLP