(UKusuallyunrecognisable)uk/ʌnˈrek.əɡ.naɪ.zə.bəl/us/ʌnˈrek.əɡ.naɪ.zə.bəl/very different to before, orchangedvery much, andthereforenotableto berecognized:
(变化太大而)认不出来的Shereturnedto theUnitedStatestofindacountrythatseemedalmostunrecognizable from the one she hadleftas ayoungwoman.她回到美国,发现这个国家似乎跟她年轻时离开的那个国家大相径庭。
He had beenbeatensoseverelythat he was unrecognizable.他被打得很惨,几乎认不出来了。
notclearenough orknownwell enough to beableto berecognized:
(不够清楚而)难以识别的;(不够有名而)认不出来的,不知名的The otherpicturewas of an unrecognisablesmallboy,holdingahandup to thecamera.另一张照片是一个模糊不清的小男孩,一只手举向相机。
Thetruckwasflyingan unrecognizableflag.那辆卡车挂着一面认不出来的旗子。
- Heappearsin themoviein afatsuitthatrendershim unrecognizable.
- Thevoicecoming out of thephonewas unrecognisable as that of O'Neill.
- I'vedrawnanarrowon thephotopointingat atiny, unrecognizablefigureway up thestreet,standingwith abunchof otherlocals.
Different and difference
- altered
- alternative
- anomalous
- another
- anything
- dissimilar
- dissimilitude
- distinct
- distinction
- distinctive
- non-typical
- non-uniform
- non-uniformity
- nonequivalence
- nonequivalent
- variation
- varied
- various
- various and sundryidiom
- which is whichidiom
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Indistinct & invisible