spokenratherthan written:
口头的;非书面的a verbalagreement/description/explanation口头协议/描述/解释
Airportofficialsreceivedastreamof verbalabusefromangrypassengerswhoseflightshad beendelayed.航班被延误,机场的官员们遭到了愤怒的乘客们的语言攻击。
- Do you have it down in writing, or was it just a verbalagreement?
- He hadapparentlyexperienceda lot of verbalabusefrom his co-workers.
- Helaunchedinto a verbalattackon herhandlingof thefinances.
- Salesassistantsare often at thereceivingend of verbalabusefromcustomers.
- Manystrikebreakersweresubjectedto verbal andphysicalattacks.
Forms of languages & specialist dialects
- acrolect
- argot
- basilect
- cant
- colloquialism
- functional
- journalese
- legalese
- lingo
- lingua franca
- metalanguage
- oral
- patois
- pidgin
- plain English
- Polari
- rhyming slang
- slang
- tongue
verbaladjective(IN WORDS)
relatingto words:
用言辞的;文字的It can sometimes bedifficultto give a verbaldescriptionof things likecoloursandsounds.有时候可能很难用语言来描述颜色、声音之类的东西。
Forms of languages & specialist dialects
- acrolect
- argot
- basilect
- cant
- colloquialism
- functional
- journalese
- legalese
- lingo
- lingua franca
- metalanguage
- oral
- patois
- pidgin
- plain English
- Polari
- rhyming slang
- slang
- tongue
verbaladjective(ABLE TO TALK)
ableto use words andtalk:
Incaseswhere thechildis verbal, thebestway togatherinformationis tosimplyaskquestions.
Alex isminimallyverbal butexpresseshimselfsuperblythroughmusic.
Saying & uttering
- (your)every wordidiom
- add
- come
- come out withsomething
- every
- fall fromsomething
- findyourvoiceidiom
- floor
- get in
- in words of one syllableidiom
- inyourown wordsidiom
- mouth
- quoth
- speak
- string
- text
- think
- utterance
- verbalize
- volunteer