notneededorwanted, or more than isneededorwanted:
不必要的;多余的Ithoughta lot of theviolencein themoviewastotallyunnecessary.我觉得这部电影中有很多暴力场面是完全没有必要的。
Theideais tokilltheanimalasquicklyaspossiblewithoutcausingunnecessarysuffering.该主张是要尽快杀死动物,不致引起不必要的痛苦。
Anoffensiveremarkoractionthat is unnecessary could have beenavoided:
(具有冒犯性的言论或行为)不必要的,不应该的He justhumiliatedher infrontof everyone - it was so unnecessary.他就在众人面前羞辱她——这太不合适了。
- This newcomputersystemiscompletelyunnecessary and amisuseoftaxpayers'money.
- She made one or twonastyremarksabouttheirhousewhich Ithoughtwas abitunnecessary.
- There is still somehopethat theeconomicblockadewillworkand makemilitaryinterventionunnecessary.
- Shebroughtround abunchofflowerstothankme, but it wastotallyunnecessary.
- We need tosavemoneyandcutout all unnecessaryexpenses.
Too much and unnecessary
- avalanche
- be up toyourneck (insomething)idiom
- bellyful
- binge
- carry/take coals to Newcastleidiom
- de trop
- drown
- gush
- hyper
- immoderate
- immoderately
- inessential
- insatiable
- overdose
- plenty
- pleonasm
- pleonastic
- plethora
- proliferation
- weighsomeone/somethingdown