Type 2
(alsotype 2)uk/ˌtaɪp ˈtuː/us/ˌtaɪp ˈtuː/relatingto theformof thediseasediabetesthat usuallydevelopslaterinlifeand in which thebodydoes notproduceenoughinsulin, which isneededtocontrolthelevelofsugarin theblood, or the body'scellsdo notreacttoinsulin:
Thestudyevaluatednearly3,000patientswith Type 2diabetes.
Henotedthat 80% of Type 2diabeticsareobese.
Hyperglycemia (highbloodglucose) willcausecomplicationsinpatientswithdiabetes,regardlessof whether it istype1 ortype2.
- There areserioushealthcomplicationsassociatedwithobesity, such ashypertension,raisedcholesterollevels,sleepapnea, andtype2diabetes.
- Two differentreportsshowedalinkbetweencoffeeconsumptionand areducedriskof Type 2diabetes.
- Researchers arelookingatdrugsfor Type 2diabeticsthatincreasetheabilityofcellstorespondtoinsulin.
Disorders & diseases of the heart & blood
- acquired agammaglobulinemia
- agammaglobulinemia
- agnogenic myeloid metaplasia
- angina
- anti-anaemia
- dilated cardiomyopathy
- Ebstein's anomaly
- economy-class syndrome
- Eisenmenger syndrome
- endocarditis
- fur
- haemophilia
- lockjaw
- non-haemolytic
- paediatric thrombocytopenia
- patent ductus arteriosus
- pericarditis
- peripheral vascular disease
- Raynaud's disease
- varicose vein
Type 2
(alsotype 2)uk/ˌtaɪp ˈtuː/us/ˌtaɪp ˈtuː/theformof thediseasediabetesthat usuallydevelopslaterinlifeand in which thebodydoes notproduceenoughinsulin, which isneededtocontrolthelevelofsugarin theblood, or the body'scellsdo notreacttoinsulin:
Type 2 islinkedtoobesityandphysicalinactivity, whichaccountsfor up to 95percentofcases.
Incontrast,type2 is ametabolicdisorderin which thebodyisunableto make enoughinsulinor to use itproperly.
- Type 1 should always besuspectedincasesin whichvisionchangesrapidly,whereastype2 isgenerallymoregradual.
- Type 1 is thegeneticformof thedisease, while Type 2 is the morecommonone that'slinkedtoobesityandlifestyle, and is oftenpreventable.
- To thealarmofdoctorsandparents,type2 isaffectingeveryoungeragegroups.
Disorders & diseases of the heart & blood
- acquired agammaglobulinemia
- agammaglobulinemia
- agnogenic myeloid metaplasia
- angina
- anti-anaemia
- dilated cardiomyopathy
- Ebstein's anomaly
- economy-class syndrome
- Eisenmenger syndrome
- endocarditis
- fur
- haemophilia
- lockjaw
- non-haemolytic
- paediatric thrombocytopenia
- patent ductus arteriosus
- pericarditis
- peripheral vascular disease
- Raynaud's disease
- varicose vein