uk/ˌʌnˈbɪld/us/ˌʌnˈbɪld/unbilledadjective(NOT LISTED)
notmentionedin alistofperformers:
Thepriestisplayedby an unbilled Patrick Walsh, whoseunexpectedappearanceisguaranteedtoprovokealaugh.
One of his firstmovieappearanceswas asmallunbilleddancerolein "WhiteChristmas".
- Thegroupbeganthetourunbilled,performingwith Brenda Holloway, amongothers.
- Thismoviedoesn'tcontainenoughsurprisestokeepthingsinteresting-apartfrom an unbilledDavidSchwimmercameo.
- The setdesignis the unbilledstarof thisproduction; it'samazing.
Advertising and marketing
- ad
- ad agency
- adman
- advert
- advertise
- cross-selling
- customer relationship management
- detoxify
- dogfooding
- flyer
- non-brand
- o.n.o.
- obo
- off-brand
- on-brand
- stunt
- superhype
- teaser
- telemarketing
- tie(something)in
unbilledadjective(NOT CHARGED FOR)
notchargedfor, orrelatingtoproductsorservicesthat have not beenchargedfor :
Acombinationoffallingincomeand unbilledworkledto the company'sfinancialproblems.
Unbilledrevenuerefers to asituationwhere thebillisyetto beissuedtoclientsforworkthat is alreadycompleted.
- Firms mustconsidertheeffectof this unbilledtimeintheirinternalfinancialresults.
- Unbilledamountsrelatetoarrangementswhererevenuehas beenrecognizedbut billings have not beenpresentedtocustomers.
Bills & invoices
- bill
- billing
- charge
- chit
- claim form
- counterfoil
- credit note
- mischarge
- passbook
- payslip
- pro forma
- sales slip
- store credit
- tab
- ticket
- toll
- tolled
- Treasury bond
- voucher
- water bill