uk/ˈtwiːt.stɔːm/us/ˈtwiːt.stɔːrm/aseriesoftweets(=messagesonTwitter™)sentone after the other by oneperson:
连环推(同一个人发出的一连串推特消息 )Typing tweetstorms into Twitter'swebinterfaceisdifficultsince you can onlytypeout onetweetat atime.在推特的网页界面上连环推是很难的,因为一次只能打出一条推特。
Information and messages
- advertisement
- aide-mémoire
- ammunition
- basics
- dope
- fascia
- info
- infodemic
- infodump
- infographic
- information
- memorandum
- poop
- push notification
- radiogram
- readout
- relabel
- shingle
- the bare bones
- the real deal
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Communications - messaging
Internet terminology