finance & economicsspecialized(UKusuallyunamortised)uk/ˌʌn.əˈmɔː.taɪzd/us/ˌʌn.æmˈɔːr.taɪzd//ˌʌn.əmˈɔːr.taɪzd/An unamortizeddebtorcosthas not beenreducedbysmallregularamounts:
We haveincludedthe unamortisedpartof theexpensesin thecalculation.
All unamortizedamountsrelatingto theterminatedleasehave been written off.
- There is nodeductionfor the unamortizedbalanceif themortgageispaidoff early.
- Theownerswill have topaythe unamortizedcostof theimprovements.
- Thebalancesheetincludesan unamortised foreign-exchangegainof £3 million.
Borrowing & lending
- amortizable
- amortization
- arrears
- bad debt
- bonded
- borrow
- borrowing
- credit rating
- hock
- holiday
- over-borrowed
- overdraft
- overpayment
- pay downsomething
- pay off
- paysomeone/somethingback
- reschedule
- secure
- straight