uk/ˌʌn.æmˈbɪʃ.əs/us/ˌʌn.æmˈbɪʃ.əs/An unambitiouspersondoes not have astrongwishto besuccessful,powerful, orrich:
(人)无野心的,无抱负的Sheplaysacompetent,attractiveyoungwomanstuckwith aslovenlyand unambitiousyoungman.她饰演一个能干、有魅力的年轻女子,却跟一个邋遢、不思进取的小伙子纠缠不清。
Heleftschoolat 16, not because he was unambitious, but because hewantedto get on with hisworkinglife.他16岁就离开了学校,不是因为没有上进心,而是因为想继续工作。
not willing to work or use effort
- lazyHe's one of the laziest people I've ever met.
- indolentSome of my classmates are indolent in their health habits.
- slothfulTelevision and video games have bred a generation of slothful teens.
- work-shyUKI don't want your work-shy cousin living with us indefinitely!
- idleUKHe's an able student, just idle.
An unambitiousideaorplandoes not need muchskilloreffortto beachievedor to besuccessful:
(计划、目标等)容易达成的,没有挑战性的Theinitialideafor thefestivalwas somethingquitesmalland unambitious.这个活动最初的想法只是一些相当小的、没有雄心的东西。
He called thecurrentproposals"verylazyand unambitious".他称目前的建议“非常懒惰,毫无雄心”。
- Thepostistypicallyfilledby an unambitious technocrat.
- Call me unambitious, but I'mperfectlyhappywhere I am.
- Asurveyoris an unambitious,evenlowly,professionfor a man with anOxfordeducation.
- It was aprofitable, if unambitious,businessthat had just oneshop.
- In the past, thefocuson afreetradeagreementwith asinglecountrywould have beenseenasdecidedlyunambitious.
- Most writing of theperiodis unambitious, anti-experimental andsomewhatlackinginoriginality.
Laziness and lazy people
- bludger
- bone idleidiom
- bum around
- clock-watcher
- indolent
- indolently
- layabout
- lazily
- laziness
- lie
- phone in
- shiftless
- shirker
- skiver
- slacker
- time-server
- time-serving
- vegetable
- work-shy
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Passive and not working
Easiness and simplicity