uk/ˌʌnˈæl.ə.keɪ.tɪd/us/ˌʌnˈæl.ə.keɪ.t̬ɪd/not having been given to someone astheirshareof atotalamount, to use in aparticularway:
Thehospitalhashardlyany unallocatedcashthat it can use foremergencies.
Theseatsfor theconcertare unallocated, so we need toarriveearly.
- Thedepartmentstill has about £100 million in unallocatedfundsthat it canspend.
- Travellers onlow-costairlineshave todealwith unallocatedseatingandbringingtheirownrefreshments.
- There are still some unallocateddesksin theofficethat you can use.
Things remaining
- (and) all the restidiom
- balance
- bastion
- cremains
- cutpiece
- deposit
- dregs
- ground
- hangover
- redoubt
- relic
- remainder
- remains
- remnant
- residual
- survival
- throwback
- time capsule
- uneaten
- vestige