uk/ˌʌn.dəˈɡəʊ/us/ˌʌn.dɚˈɡoʊ/present participleundergoing|past tenseunderwent|past participleundergoneC1
toexperiencesomething that isunpleasantor something thatinvolvesachange:
经历,经受(令人不快的事或变化)She underwent anoperationon atumourin herleftlunglastyear.她在去年做了一次左肺肿瘤切除手术。
Playingboardgamesis undergoing arevivalinpopularity.棋盘游戏正经历着一场复兴。
- Heseemsto have undergone achangeinattituderecently, and hasbecomemuch moreco-operative.
- After theaccident, he underwentreconstructivesurgerytorebuildhisface.
- I had to undergo amedicalexaminationwhen Istartedmypensionscheme.
- Athletes must undergo amandatorydrugstestbeforecompetingin thechampionship.
- Thecompanyis undergoing aradicalreorganization.
Experiencing and suffering
- (straight) from the horse's mouthidiom
- afflict
- affliction
- almost/nearly die ofsomethingidiom
- be a martyr tosomethingidiom
- be a victim ofyourown successidiom
- bear
- count
- get the short end of the stickidiom
- get/haveyourfingers burnedidiom
- go through
- grip
- hands-on
- horse
- ride
- run up againstsomething
- seat-of-the-pants
- see lifeidiom
- stricken
- taste