adjective[before noun]
USuk/ˈtɜːŋ.kiː/us/ˈtɝːn.kiː/(of apropertyor apieceofequipment)readyto be usedimmediatelyby thepersonwho isbuyingorrentingit, orrelatingto thisarrangement:
Somepeoplehireacontractortobuildturnkeyhouses-readytomoveinto with no renovations orrepairsrequired.
We havedevelopedturnkeysolutionsdesignedspecificallyforsmallbusinessowners.
- Soft-topkitcarswereavailableeither as a turnkeyvehicleor acarthat you put together yourself.
- Museums mayselecta "turnkey"exhibitioncurated by thebankor they can put togethershowsthemselves byselectingofferingsin thecollection.
- More and moremanufacturersareofferingto tailor-make a turnkeysystemfromtheirowncomponents.
- It is often thecasethatconstructionprojectsinvolveturnkeycontractsunder which abuilderordeveloperprovidesland,construction, andmaterials.
Available and accessible
- accessibility
- accessible
- atyourcommandidiom
- availability
- available
- drop
- nothing
- obtainable
- offer
- on callidiom
- on demandidiom
- on handidiom
- on/aboutyourpersonidiom
- release
- season
- unfrozen
- unlock
- unobtainable
- up for grabsidiom
- vacant
USorold-fashionedUKuk/ˈtɜːŋ.kiː/us/ˈtɝːn.kiː/apersonwho is inchargeofpeopleinprison:
Thecityhasapprovedthe use of 18-year-old turnkeys because ofitsinabilitytoadequatelystaffthejails.
Assoonas we hadenteredthe turnkeylockedthedoor.
- Certainciviliansupportstaffare to beemployedby thepolice(forexample, turnkeys,prisonerescortsandcourtcustodyofficers).
- Hemanagedto get the turnkeygaggedandboundwhile they madetheirescape.
- Hesmiledat me andslippedsomecoinsto the turnkey forfoodandwine.
Prisons & parts of prisons
- approved school
- Bastille
- boot camp
- borstal
- brig
- clink
- dungeon
- gaol
- gaoler
- halfway house
- nick
- open prison
- panopticon
- penal colony
- penitentiary
- straightjacket
- straitjacket
- the gulag
- warder
- young offender institution