(of achild) not having beenadopted(= takenlegallyinto another person'sfamilyand takencareof astheirownchild):
(儿童)尚未被收养的She said theproposalmightblockgrandparentsfrompurchasinghealthinsurancefor unadoptedgrandchildrenintheircustody.她说,该提案可能会阻止祖父母为其监护的未被收养的孙子女购买医疗保险。
(of ananimal) not having been taken from aplacesuch as arescuecentretobecomesomeone'spet:
(动物)尚未被领养的HehelpedcreateBest Friends as analternativetoshelterskillingunadoptedanimalsto makespace.他帮助创建了"最好的朋友"这个组织,区别于那些为了腾出空间而对未被收养动物进行安乐死的流浪动物收容所。
- Seeing theconditionof unadoptedchildrenmade hercry; shefeltfor them.
- So manybabiesgo unadopted here.
- Sherefusedtoparticipatein a newprogrammethatrequiresrescueorganizationstoreturnunadoptedkittensandpuppiesto theshelterwhen they are 8weeksold.
Parenting & caring for children
- adopt
- adoptable
- adopted
- adoptee
- adoption
- caretaking
- child-rearing
- childless
- childlessness
- childmind
- lawnmower parent
- looked-after
- mothering
- nanny
- non-custodial
- stay-at-home
- swaddle
- unadoptable
- upbringing
- visitation
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Preserving and saving
(of aroad, etc.)privateratherthanownedandmaintained(=keptin goodcondition)by alocalgovernment:
(道路)私人的,住户拥有的Unadoptedroadsnormallyhave to bemaintainedbyresidents,althoughthelocalauthoritymayprovidestreetlighting.通常来说,私家路必须由住户自行维护,尽管地方政府可能会提供街道照明。
- Theprivateroadremainedunadopted andpeoplelivingin thestreetcould notaffordresurfacingwork.
- There are manyrightsof way that are over unadopted orprivateroads.
- It isessentialthat thedeveloperobtainsthenecessaryrightsof way from therespectiveowners, whenaccessroadsare toremainunadopted.
- They used torechargeresidentsfor unadoptedsewers.
Roads & routes in general
- adopt
- adopted
- approach
- ascent
- bicycle lane/path
- bike lane
- detour
- exit
- impassable
- lane
- milk round
- multi-lane
- one-way
- roadway
- roadworks
- route
- RR
- shortcut
- skid marks
- toll road
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Roads: urban & residential streets