(alsoultralightweight)uk/ˌʌl.trəˈlaɪt.weɪt/us/ˌʌl.trəˈlaɪt.weɪt/weighingvery little or much less thanaverage:
Mydaughteraskedif she could use my ultra-lightweightlaptopwhen shetravelsforwork.
Thetentis made of ultralightweightmaterial.
- Hisracingbikehas a hand-welded ultralightweightsteelframe.
- Theysellthelatesthigh-techrunningshoes, withfoamandgelsolestosoftentheimpactand ultra-lightweightmeshuppers.
- Scientists areresearchingwaystoextractenergyfrom thesunbydevelopingultra-lightweight solar-electriccells.
- The designer'ssummercollectionfeaturesultra-lightweightlinensuitswornwithbutton-downshirts.
Light and weightless
- (as) light as a featheridiom
- airiness
- airy
- be (as) light as a featheridiom
- ethereal
- feather
- fluffiness
- fluffy
- foamy
- frothy
- insubstantial
- light
- lightweight
- portability
- portable
- sheer
- superlight
- weightless
- wispy