mainlyUK(also mainlyUSuncollectible)uk/ˌʌn.kəˈlek.tə.bəl/us/ˌʌn.kəˈlek.tə.bəl/(especiallyofmoneyowed) notableto becollected:
Debts which areknownto be uncollectable are written off.
He said that thecostof uncollectibledebtsreflectsareductionin thenumberofpeoplewho havehealthinsurance.
- When there is no otherpossibilityfor them to becollected, they areconsideredas uncollectableaccounts.
- Thecompanyhas already written off £2 million in uncollectablebills.
- Theaccountsreceivable may be well pastdueandevenuncollectable.
- Cardbalanceswritten off as uncollectible bybankshavejumped24percent, and latepaymentsare up 16percentfrom ayearago.
Giving, bringing or getting back
- bring
- bringsomethingback
- chargeback
- clawsomethingback
- giver
- put
- recovery
- refund
- refundable
- regain
- regrow
- reintroduce
- reintroduction
- reversion
- send
- sendsomethingback
- syndication
- takesomethingback
- turn
- turn in
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Borrowing & lending