问题,困难,麻烦Thetaxformswerecomplicatedand Ihada lot of troublewiththem.这张税务表格十分复杂,我填起来很费劲。
Theirproblemsseemto be over for themoment, but there could be more troubleahead.问题眼下看起来是过去了,但以后可能会有更多的麻烦。
The troublestarted/beganwhenmyfathercame tolivewith us.父亲来和我们一起住之后,麻烦就开始了。
[+ -ing verb]Parents oftenhavetroublefindinggoodcarersfortheirchildren.做父母的常常难以找到好的看护者照顾小孩子。
Westartedholdingmeetingsbyphone, astravellingin and out of thecitybecametoo muchtrouble.我们开始召开电话会议,因为进出城市都很麻烦。
I should get itfinishedover theweekendwithouttoo muchtrouble.我周末应该可以不费太大力气就能完成它。
You'll only bestoringuptroubleforthefutureif you don't go to thedentistnow.如果你现在不去看牙医,就是在给将来找麻烦。
Shethoughther troubles would be overonceshe'd gotdivorced.她原以为一旦离了婚她的麻烦就会结束。
Hisbirthdayisthe least ofmy troubles at themoment- I don'tevenhave enoughmoneytopaytherent.眼下我根本顾不上他的生日——我连付租金的钱都不够。
Most of thecurrenttroublesstemfrom(= arecausedby)ournewcomputersystem.目前大部分的问题源自于我们的新计算机系统。
a problem
- problemWhat's the problem here?
- difficultyThe company is having some financial difficulties at the moment.
- troubleWe've had a lot of trouble with the new computer system.
- hitchThe ceremony went without a hitch.
- glitchWe've had a few technical glitches, but I'm confident we'll be ready on time.
- hurdleGetting a work permit is only the first hurdle.
asituationin which youexperienceproblems, usually because of something you have donewrongorbadly:
窘境,困境;险境He's neverbeen introublewithhisteachersbefore.他以前从来没有受过老师的批评。
She'll be inbigtrouble if shescratchesSam'scar.如果刮坏了萨姆的汽车她就会倒大霉。
He got intofinancialtrouble after hisdivorce.离婚后,他在经济上陷入了困境。
Ihopeyou won'tget intotrouble because of what I said toyourdad.我希望你不会因我对你爸爸说了那些话而受罚。
Thecampis agreatway of gettingkidsoff thestreetandkeepingthemout oftrouble.让小孩子去度假营是个很好的办法,这样可以让他们远离街头,不会惹是生非。
IhopeI haven'tlandedyouintrouble withyourboss.我希望你没有因为我而受到老板的训斥。
Themarriageranintotrouble because of her husband'sheavydrinking.由于丈夫酗酒,她的婚姻陷入了危机。
Thecompanywill be inserious/realtrouble if welosethiscontract.如果我们失去这份合同,公司将陷入严重的困境。
He'sstayedout oftrouble since he wasreleasedfromjaillastyear.他自去年出狱以来一直没有再惹麻烦。
acharacteristicof someone or something that isconsideredadisadvantageorproblem:
缺陷;缺点Thetroublewiththiscarpetis that it getsdirtyveryeasily.这种地毯的缺点是易脏。
It's abrilliantidea.The onlytroubleis thatwe don'tknowhow much it willcost.这个想法非常好。唯一的问题是我们不知道这样要花多少钱。
Ron'strouble is that he's tooimpatient.罗恩的缺点是太没有耐心。
problemsordifficultiescausedby somethingfailingtooperateas it should:
They have a goodreputationforbuildingreliabletrouble-freecars.他们制造的汽车耐用、无故障,口碑很好。
Herkneetrouble isexpectedtokeepher out of thegamefor therestof theseason.由于膝伤,她可能无法参加本赛季余下的比赛。
problemsin theformofarguments,fighting, orviolence:
争吵;骚乱;打斗Listen, I don'twantany trouble in here, sopleasejustfinishyourdrinkandleave.听着,我可不想这儿出什么乱子,请你赶快喝完走人。
Myparentssaid we had toleaveat the firstsignoftrouble.我父母说一看见出了乱子就马上离开。
My little brother's alwaystryingtostirup(=create)troublebetweenme and myboyfriend.我的小弟总是想挑起我和男朋友之间的争吵。
- A woman in thestreetsawthat he was in trouble and came to hisaid.
- You wouldn'tbelievetheamountof trouble I've had with thiscar.
- She got through herexamswithout too much trouble.
- I was always getting in trouble formisbehavingatschool.
- The only trouble with thiscaféis that theserviceis soslow.
Difficult things and people
- a (heavy) cross to bearidiom
- albatross
- bane
- be dead meatidiom
- be in the clearidiom
- be out of the woodsidiom
- bump
- chill
- equation
- hindrance
- hot potato
- impediment
- incubus
- marathon
- nut
- teaser
- teething troubles
- the tip of the icebergidiom
- thorn inyourflesh/sideidiom
- tiesomeoneup
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Difficult situations and unpleasant experiences
Advantage and disadvantage
Violent or aggressive
Arguments & disagreements
不便,麻烦;工夫,力气I didn'tmeantocauseyou any trouble.我并不想给你添任何麻烦。
"I'dlovesome morecoffee, if it isn't too much trouble." "Oh, it'snotroubleat all."“如果不太麻烦的话,我还想要些咖啡。”“噢,一点也不麻烦。”
I don'twanttoputyoutoany trouble(=createanyworkfor you).我不想给你添任何麻烦。
[+ to infinitive]If youtook thetroubletolistento what I was saying, you'dknowwhat I wastalkingabout.如果你用心听我讲了,你就会明白我讲的是什么。
Theywent to a lot oftrouble(= made a lot ofeffort)fortheirdinnerparty, buthalftheguestsdidn'tbothertoturnup.他们费了很大的劲准备晚宴,可是竟有半数的客人没来。
It'sannoying, but I don'tthinkI'llgo to thetroubleofmakinganofficialcomplaint.这太烦人了,可我觉得我不会费劲去提出正式投诉。
- Heknewdamnwell how much trouble it wouldcause.
- After all the trouble she put me to, I didn'tfeeldisposedtohelpher.
- Greattrouble is taken tokeepourdatabaseup-to-date.
- If you'd say yes to therequestyou'dsavea lot of trouble.
- Ihopethechildrenhaven'tcausedyou too much trouble.
- aggravation
- aggro
- awkward
- bore
- bother
- bulky
- disturbance
- drag
- fag
- have fun and gamesidiom
- imposition
- inconvenience
- inconvenient
- inconveniently
- palaver
- pisser
- putsomethingout
- rigamarole
- rigmarole
- tempest
be asking for trouble
getsomeoneinto trouble
more trouble than it's worth
spell trouble
trouble and strife
tocausesomeone to beworriedornervous:
使烦恼,使苦恼;使忧虑Iaskedher what was troubling her, but she didn'twanttotalk.我问她是不是有什么烦心事,但是她不想说。
Many of us aredeeplytroubledbythe chairman'sdecision.我们许多人对主席的决定深感不安。
[+ (that)]Ittroubles me(that)you didn'tdiscussyourproblemswith meearlier.你没有早点与我讨论你的问题,这使我感到不安。
- Myconsciencewould really trouble me if Iworeafurcoat.
- She was troubled by theconflictinginterestsof acareerand afamily.
- Several well-known women have been troubled bystalkersrecently.
- Myeyeshave been troubling merecently.
- They weregreatlytroubled byrumoursthat he was tolosehisjob.
Causing anxiety and worry
- alarming
- alarmingly
- bite
- catch up withsomeone
- come back/home to roostidiom
- disturb
- dread
- frighten
- frightensomeone/somethingaway/off
- get/go beyond a jokeidiom
- givesomeonethe jimjamsidiom
- givesomeonethe jittersidiom
- oppressive
- rattle
- roost
- stresssomeoneout
- stressful
- suspenseful
- swatting
- tenseness
[Toften passive]
tocausesomeone to have aproblemordifficulties:
折磨,使有麻烦He has been troubled by akneeinjuryfor most of theseason.本赛季的大部分时间里,他都受到膝伤的困扰。
Causing feelings of anger and displeasure
- aggravate
- aggrieve
- alienate
- anger
- annoy
- bend
- get upsomeone'snoseidiom
- givesomeonethe shitsidiom
- go too faridiom
- goat
- grate
- joke
- nark
- rub
- rubsomeoneup the wrong wayidiom
- ruffle
- rufflesomeone'sfeathersidiom
- setsomeone'steeth on edgeidiom
- tit
- troll
troubleverb(CAUSE EFFORT)
tocausesomeone asmallamountofeffort:
麻烦;使费神May I trouble youfor(=pleasegive me)some morewine,please?麻烦您再给我些葡萄酒好吗?
[+ obj + to infinitive]Could I trouble youtoopenthatwindow? I can'treachit.麻烦你把那扇窗户打开好吗?恐怕我够不着。
Let's not troubleourselves(= make theefforttothink)aboutthedetailsat themoment.我们目前不要费神去考虑细节问题。
- aggravation
- aggro
- awkward
- bore
- bother
- bulky
- disturbance
- drag
- fag
- have fun and gamesidiom
- imposition
- inconvenience
- inconvenient
- inconveniently
- palaver
- pisser
- putsomethingout
- rigamarole
- rigmarole
- tempest