trophy wife
disapprovinguk/ˌtrəʊ.fi ˈwaɪf/us/ˌtroʊ.fi ˈwaɪf/ayoung,attractivewoman who is thewifeof arichandsuccessfulolderpersonandactsas asymbolof the person'ssocialposition:
(年纪大的成功男人用来显示社会地位的)花瓶妻子,娇妻I'm not going tomarryarichman and be atrophywife.我不打算嫁个有钱人,做他的花瓶妻子。
Many menseekoutyoungertrophywives.很多男人都想找个小娇妻。
- She's beenlabelledatrophywifebecause she is muchyoungerthan herhusband.
- Shelookslike an UpperEastSidetrophywifeon her wayhomefromyoga.
- Meet Jodi, thestay-at-hometrophywifewith threenannies.
Marriage: marital status
- bachelor
- bachelorette
- bachelorhood
- be between jobs/marriages/boyfriends, girlfriends, etc.idiom
- between
- grass widow
- honeymooners
- live in
- lone
- married
- marry
- singleton
- spinster
- spinsterhood
- spoken for
- unattached
- widowed
- widower
- widowhood
- wifely