languagespecializeduk/ˌtræn.səˈtɪv.ə.ti/us/ˌtræn.səˈtɪv.ə.t̬i/(of averb) thefactof beingtransitive(= having orneedinganobject)orintransitive(= not having orneedinganobject):
(动词的)及物性What wewanttotrytoidentifyis what is thedominanttransitivitypattern.我们想要确定什么是主要的及物性模式。
Thetaskallowedus toexaminetheextentto whichchildrenhadmasteredthe transitivity of theverbs.这项作业任务使我们能够检查儿童对动词及物性的掌握程度。
- Transitivityinvolvesarelationshipbetween asubjectand anobject.
- Transitivityanalysiscanhelpyouanalyzeideologies.
- Itenablesher to be avictim, just by the transitivitychoicesthat she makes in writing thepassage.
Linguistics: verb forms, tenses & types of verbs
- accusative
- art
- bare infinitive
- bent
- continuous
- infinitive
- non-progressive
- participle
- passive
- passivization
- pluperfect
- present
- present participle
- progressive
- the active voice
- the first person
- the future perfect
- the past continuous
- the present continuous
- the third person