acompletechangein theappearanceorcharacterof something or someone,especiallyso that that thing orpersonisimproved:
彻底改观;大变样Localpeoplehavemixedfeelingsabout theplannedtransformation oftheirtownintoaregionalcapital.当地人对于要把他们的小镇变成地区中心城市的计划喜忧参半。
I'd neverseenJose in atuxedobefore - it wasquitea transformation.我之前从没见过何塞穿燕尾服——这可真是个天大的变化。
- There's been a transformation in Carl since hestartedgoing out with Annie.
- Have youseenthe transformation ofourgarden?
- Theinternethasledto a transformation inshoppinghabits.
Change and changes
- adjustment
- alteration
- anti-evolutionism
- be ahead of the curveidiom
- blip
- flip-flop
- fluctuation
- gradation
- gyrate
- gyration
- inconstancy
- reversal
- reversion
- revolution
- rhythm
- sea change
- untick
- variation
- vicissitudes
- youthquake