noun[Cusually singular]
(alsoT Rex,T-rex,T rex)uk/ˈtiːˌreks/us/ˈtiːˌreks/a verylarge, meat-eatingdinosaurwithlarge,powerfulbacklegs,smallfrontlegsand alongtail. T-Rex isshortforTyrannosaurus rex, adinosaurof thetyrannosaurusgenus(= agroupofanimals, lesssimilarthan aspecies):
暴龙(Tyrannosaurus rex的简称)Thetopspeedof a T-Rex has been acontroversyfor manyyearsnow.暴龙最快的奔跑速度多年来一直是个争议话题。
There's a Prehistoric Park where you canmeetlife-sizemodelsof T Rex andfriendsin "natural"habitats.有一个史前公园,在那里你可以在“自然”栖息地看见真身大小的暴龙和其他恐龙模型。

Dorling Kindersley/ Dorling Kindersley/GettyImages
- T-Rex wascoldbloodedandbig.
- The Giganotosaurus was amassivedinosaurthatexisted30 millionyearsbefore the T-rex.
- Contrary topopularbelief, the T rex is not thelargestdinosaurinhistory.
- anatosaurus
- apatosaurus
- Australopithecus
- brachiosaurus
- broch
- henge
- Holocene
- ice age
- ichthyosaur
- iguanodon
- paleo
- Permian
- pictograph
- Pleistocene
- Pliocene
- standing stone
- stegosaurus
- stone circle
- stone-age
- theropod