abrassmusicalinstrumentconsisting of ametaltubewith onenarrowend, into which theplayerblows, and onewideend. Threebuttonsarepressedinordertochangenotes.

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- Hark, Ihearadistanttrumpet!
- Dizzy was arealkilleron the trumpet.
- She's been makingrisibleattemptstolearnthe trumpet.
- Annblewa fewnoteson the trumpet.
- The trumpet andtrombonearebrassinstruments.
Musical instruments
- accordion
- acoustically
- aerophone
- alphorn
- alto
- drum kit
- drum machine
- drumbeat
- drumroll
- drumstick
- panpipes
- pedal steel
- penny whistle
- percussion
- percussionist
- tuning fork
- tuning peg
- ukulele
- unpitched
- unplugged
uk/ˈtrʌm.pɪt/us/ˈtrʌm.pət/trumpetverb(ANIMAL CALL)
(of alargeanimal,especiallyanelephant) toproducealoudcall:
(尤指象等大型动物的)吼声We couldheartheelephantstrumpeting in thedistance.我们可以听见远处大象的吼声。
Animal (non-human) sounds
- baa
- bark
- bleat
- buzzy
- caterwauling
- chatter
- cockcrow
- coo
- cry
- hee-haw
- honk
- howling
- miaow
- moo
- peep
- purr
- quack
- squeak
- trill
- warble
toannounceortalkabout somethingproudlyto a lot ofpeople:
吹嘘;鼓吹Themuseumhas beenloudlytrumpetingitsreputationas one of thefinest.该博物馆一直在大肆吹嘘自己是世界上最好的博物馆之一。
Theirmuch-trumpeted "lowlowprices"affectonly fivepercentof thegoodsthat theysell.他们极力吹嘘的“一降再降”活动只包括他们所卖商品的5%。
to boast about something
- boastI don't mean to boast, but I got a promotion well ahead of schedule.
- bragShe likes to brag about how her son is a doctor.
- crowHe won't stop crowing about how much money he makes.
- trumpetHe's always trumpeting his latest triumph.
- show offShe likes to show off by wearing expensive shoes wherever she goes.
Announcing, informing & stating
- acquaintsomeone/yourselfwithsomething
- affirm
- annunciation
- avowedly
- awaken
- awakensomeonetosomething
- break
- break it/the news tosomeoneidiom
- breathe/say a wordidiom
- disseminate
- known
- on the recordidiom
- proclamation
- putsomethingout ofitsmiseryidiom
- rapporteur
- record
- resensitize
- rollout
- self-anointed
- statement