uk/truː/us/truː/trueadjective(NOT FALSE)
(especiallyoffactsorstatements)rightand notwrong;correct:
(尤指事实或陈述)正确的,真实的,确实的;如实的[+ that]IsittruethatMariana andMarkare gettingmarried?玛丽安娜和马克真的要结婚吗?
Theallegations,iftrue, couldleadto herresignation.这些指控如果属实的话,可能会导致她辞职。
Herstoryis onlypartlytrue.她的描述只有部分是真实的。
Woulditbe trueto saythat you've neverlikedJim?可以说你从来就没有喜欢过吉姆,对吗?
Isuspectshe gave a truepicture(=accuratedescription)of what hadhappened.我认为她对所发生事情的描述是真实的。
I don'tbelievetheseexamresultsare a truereflectionofyourabilities.我认为这些考试结果并没有真实反映你的能力。
Themovieisbasedon the truestoryof a Londongangster.这部电影是根据伦敦一名犯罪团伙成员的真实故事拍摄的。
She has sinceadmittedthat herearlierstatementwas notstrictly(=completely)true.她后来承认先前所讲的并不完全真实。
It used to be verycheapbut that's nolongertrue(= thatsituationdoes not nowexist).这东西以前很便宜,可现在不一样了。
Alcohol should beconsumedinmoderation, and this isparticularlytrueforpregnantwomen.饮酒应适量,对孕妇尤其如此。
Parents ofyoungchildrenoftenbecomedepressed, andthis isespeciallytrueofsingleparents.年幼孩子的父母常常罹患抑郁症,单身母亲尤其如此。
See also
true enough
correctoraccuratebut notcompletelyexplainingsomething:
(虽然是正确或准确的,但是不足以解释某事)没错It's true enough that he haddoubtsabout theproject, but we have tolookfurthertounderstandwhy heresigned.他确实对这个项目心存疑虑,但是我们必须看得更深入才能理解他为什么辞职。
- But I didn'tinventthestory- everything I told you is true.
- Do youthinkit's true thatteenagegirlsare lessself-confidentthantheirmalepeers?
- I didn'tknowwhether hisstorywas true or not, but Idecidedto give him thebenefitof thedoubt.
- Is it true (that) she's gone back toteaching?
- Iherebycertify(that) the aboveinformationis true andaccurate.
True, real, false, and unreal
- actual
- actuality
- actually
- all that glitters is not goldidiom
- apocryphal
- faithful
- fake news
- false
- false flag
- falsely
- not so muchidiom
- nothing could be further from the truthidiom
- nothing could have been further from my mind/thoughtsidiom
- parallel universe
- post-factual
- veridical
- verifiability
- verifiable
- verifiably
- verily
B1[before noun]
being whatexists,ratherthan what wasthought,intended, orstated:
a truefriend真正的朋友
There cannot be truedemocracywithoutreformof theelectoralsystem.不进行选举制度的改革就不可能有真正的民主。
The truehorrorof theaccidentdid notbecomeclearuntil themorning.事故到底有多恐怖,直到早上才大白于天下。
existing in fact
- realHe doesn't think climate change is real.
- trueHe had finally found true love.
- actualWe had 500 people register for the conference, but we won't have the actual number of attendees until afterwards.
- factualThere's no factual information at all in that email.
come true
If ahope,wish, ordreamcomes true, ithappensalthoughit wasunlikelythat it would:
(希望或愿望)实现,成为现实I'd alwaysdreamedofowningmy ownhouse, but I neverthoughtit would come true.我以前一直梦想拥有属于自己的房子,但从没想到这会成为现实。
After all theproblemsI'd had gettingpregnant, Oliver'sbirthwas adreamcome true.经历了怀孕的所有问题后,奥利弗的出世圆了我的梦。
to achieve something
- achieveAfter years of rejection, she finally achieved success on the big screen.
- fulfilI fulfilled my dreams of becoming a marine biologist.
- realizeUKThere was nothing to prevent her from realising her ambitions.
- come trueI worked so hard to be a doctor, and now my dream has come true.
- accomplishThese goals will be extremely hard to accomplish.
- attainAfter years of struggle, the nation attained independence.
- Thisscandalraisesnewquestionsabout the president's truecharacter.
- It's when something reallybadlike thishappensthat youfindout whoyourtruefriendsare.
- We each give you adefinitionof the wordprintedon thecard, and you have to say which youthinkis the truedefinition.
- IfeelI'vefoundmy truevocation.
- Theheroof thefilmfinallyfindshis trueself.
True, real, false, and unreal
- actual
- actuality
- actually
- all that glitters is not goldidiom
- apocryphal
- faithful
- fake news
- false
- false flag
- falsely
- not so muchidiom
- nothing could be further from the truthidiom
- nothing could have been further from my mind/thoughtsidiom
- parallel universe
- post-factual
- veridical
- verifiability
- verifiable
- verifiably
- verily
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Succeeding, achieving and fulfilling
sincereorloyal, andlikelytocontinueto be so indifficultsituations:
忠实的,忠诚的;虔诚的There are few truebelieversincommunismleftin theparty.党内虔诚信仰共产主义的党员所剩无几。
She hasvowedtoremaintruetothepresidentwhateverhappens.她已经宣誓在任何情况下都将效忠于总统。
He said he'drepaythemoneythe nextday, and truetohisword(= as he hadpromised), he gave it all back to me thefollowingmorning.他说第二天还钱,果然说到做到,第二天上午就把钱全部还给了我。
be true toyourself
tobehaveaccordingtoyourbeliefsand do what youthinkisright
坚持自己的信念;对得起自己true to form/type
Someone who does something true toformortypebehavesas otherpeoplewould haveexpectedfrompreviousexperience:
一如往常,不出所料True toform, when it came to histurntobuythedrinks, he said he'dlefthiswalletathome.像往常一样,轮到他买饮料时,他就称钱包忘在家里了。
- She was a truepatriotto the last.
- He'll berememberedboth as abrilliantfootballerand as a truesportsman.
- He has been a truefriendto me.
- She said she wouldstandby me, and she has been true to her word.
- Hisministersremainedtrue to himthroughoutthecrisis.
Honesty, openness & sincerity
- above board
- anti-corruption
- artless
- artlessly
- artlessness
- bone
- honestly
- honourable
- honourably
- in
- in all honesty/seriousness/truthfulnessidiom
- in good faithidiom
- joke
- nail
- skinny
- spotless
- squeaky-clean
- stainless
- straight arrowidiom
- the straight and narrowidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Typifying, illustrating and exemplifying
[before noun]
having all thecharacteristicsnecessaryto beaccuratelydescribedas something:
真正的,纯正的;名副其实的;典型的Only truedeerhaveantlers.只有纯种鹿才有鹿角。
formalIt was said that theportraitwas a very truelikenessof her(=lookedvery much like her).据说,这幅肖像画得非常像她本人。
In trueHollywoodstyle(= in a way that istypicalofHollywood), she's had fourmarriagesand threefacelifts.她结过4次婚,整过3次容——这是典型的好莱坞式的作派。
True, real, false, and unreal
- actual
- actuality
- actually
- all that glitters is not goldidiom
- apocryphal
- faithful
- fake news
- false
- false flag
- falsely
- not so muchidiom
- nothing could be further from the truthidiom
- nothing could have been further from my mind/thoughtsidiom
- parallel universe
- post-factual
- veridical
- verifiability
- verifiable
- verifiably
- verily
[after verb]
位于正确位置的;端正的None of thedrawerswere true.没有一个抽屉装正了位置。
Straight, even and level
- be (as) flat as a pancakeidiom
- clean
- clean-cut
- cleanly
- consistency
- even
- flatness
- flush
- glassy
- level
- peg
- rhythm
- seamless
- sleek
- sleekly
- sleekness
- square
- straight
- super-smooth
- ultra-smooth
ring true
so ... it's not true
uk/truː/us/truː/be out of true
to not be in thecorrectpositionor to beslightlybentout of thecorrectshape:
不平;不直;不正Thisdoorwon'tshut. Ithinktheframemust be out of true.这扇门关不严。我看一定是门框歪了。
Bending, twisting and curving
- ball up
- bendy
- bent
- bowed
- buckle
- crook
- entwine
- flex
- flexion
- flexure
- fluted
- matted
- meander
- sinuous
- torsion
- tortuously
- tortuousness
- twiddly
- twine
- wring
uk/truː/us/truː/straightand withoutmovingto eitherside:
准确的;精确的Makesureyouhitthenailsin true.要确保钉子钉准了。
Straight, even and level
- be (as) flat as a pancakeidiom
- clean
- clean-cut
- cleanly
- consistency
- even
- flatness
- flush
- glassy
- level
- peg
- rhythm
- seamless
- sleek
- sleekly
- sleekness
- square
- straight
- super-smooth
- ultra-smooth