trisomy 13
medicalspecialized(alsoTrisomy 13)uk/ˌtrɪ.sə.mi θɜːˈtiːn/us/ˌtraɪ.soʊ.mi θɝːˈtiːn/arareand veryseriousgeneticconditionin which there is anadditionalcopyofchromosome13 in some or all of the body'scells:
(因多出一条13号染色体而引起的)13三体In theUnitedStates, mostcasesof trisomy 13 aredetectedprenatally, either bygeneticscreeningorultrasound.在美国,绝大部分13三体在分娩前即已通过基因筛查或超声查出。
Mydaughterhas beendiagnosedwith anextremelyrareformof Trisomy 13 GeneticSyndrome, "Mosaic Trisomy 13."我的女儿被查出患有一种极为罕见的13三体基因综合征“镶嵌式13三体”。
Patau syndrome
- Apersonin oneroomhad afetuswith trisomy 13 [achromosomaldisorderthat canresultinsevereintellectualandphysicaldisability].
- Sincescientistshavenumberedourchromosomes1 through 23, thenameof thecondition– trisomy 21, trisomy 18, or trisomy 13 –indicatesthespecificchromosomethatcarriestheabnormality.
- Trisomy 18 and Trisomy 13 are the only two live-born trisomiesapartfrom trisomy 21 (Down'ssyndrome).
- Trisomy 13 (Patau'ssyndrome) ischaracterizedby forebrain and midlinefacialabnormalities.
- adenine
- allele
- anaphase
- biohacker
- biohacking
- biotech
- gene amplification
- genotype
- heterozygote
- homologous
- homologue
- homozygote
- hybridization
- paternal
- ribosome
- rRNA
- segregate
- segregation
- sequence
- transgenic