uk/ˈtraɪ.ʃɔː/us/ˈtraɪ.ʃɔː/alightvehiclewith threewheelsandpedals(=partsthat youpushwithyourfeet), usedmainlyinAsia:
(常见于亚洲的)(脚踏)三轮车Thebestencounterof thedaywas with alocaltrishawdriverwho wehiredto take us back toourhotelafterdinner.晚饭后我们雇了一位当地的三轮车夫送我们回酒店,这是当天最好邂逅。

- Thedriverof a three-wheeledcyclerickshaw, or trishaw, said hewaitedalldayfor onefare.
- The Burmese are so used toshortagesofpetrolthat the man-powered trishaw is anationalinstitution.
- Pedal trishaws stilloperate,mostlyin thesmallertowns.
- In Bago wehiredtwo trishawdriversto take us arounditsfamoustemplesfor aday.
Carriages & carts
- brougham
- buggy
- carriage
- carryall
- chaise
- chuckwagon
- coupe
- covered wagon
- dray
- gig
- ox-drawn
- popemobile
- rickshaw
- sedan chair
- stagecoach
- surrey
- trap
- tuktuk
- wagon
- wain
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