travel corridor
uk/ˈtræv.əl ˌkɒr.ɪ.dɔːr/us/ˈtræv.əl ˌkɔːr.ə.dɚ/arouteorpathalong whichpeopleoranimalsregularlytravelfrom oneplaceto another:
Thetrailfollowsatravelcorridorused for thousands ofyears.
Deer and otherwildlifeuse thestreamas atravelcorridor.
anarrangementin which twocountriesagreethatpeoplecantraveldirectlybetween them, without some of therulesandcontrolsthataffecttravellersfrom othercountries:
旅游走廊(两国之间达成的只允许彼此国民互相通行的协议)Theplanis tocreateatravelcorridorwithselectcountriesthatposealowriskof coronavirusinfection,allowingtouriststotravelfreelybetween them, without beingforcedintoquarantine.该计划旨在与冠状病毒感染风险较低的国家建立旅游走廊,允许游客在这些国家之间自由通行而无需被迫隔离。
air bridge
air corridor
- Foxesadapttocitylifeby usingcanalbanksastravelcorridorstolinkdensatgolfcourses,stormdrainagebasinsand othermakeshifthomes.
- If you have been to orstoppedin acountrythat’s not on thetravelcorridorlistyou will have to self-isolate until 14dayshavepassedsince youleftthatcountry.
- From 10Julyyou will not have to self-isolate when youarriveinEngland, if you aretravellingorreturningfrom one of thecountrieswithtravelcorridorexemption.
Roads & routes in general
- adopt
- adopted
- approach
- ascent
- bicycle lane/path
- bike lane
- detour
- exit
- impassable
- lane
- milk round
- multi-lane
- one-way
- roadway
- roadworks
- route
- RR
- shortcut
- skid marks
- toll road
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Tourism & holidays