释义 |
B1theamountyou get when severalsmalleramountsareaddedtogether: 总额;总数 At thattimeofday,carswith only oneoccupantaccountedforalmost80percentof the total.一天中的那个时候,只有一人乘坐的汽车几乎占车辆总数的80%。 Atotalof21horseswereenteredin therace.总共有21匹马报名参加了比赛。 We made $1,000intotal, over threedaysoftrading.在3天的交易中,我们一共赚了1000美元。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto add up numbers - addAdd 24, 63, and 55.
- add upMy job was to add up the scores at the end.
- totalTotal the daily payments for a month and you arrive at your monthly expenditure.
- find the sumFind the sum of the following numbers.
- find the totalFind the total of £26.33, £55.09, and £109.65.
- add up toThe figures add up to a huge amount.
See more results » - Theschoolbazaarraiseda total of £550.
- Thetripcosta total of £250,insuranceincluded.
- Theaverageof the threenumbers7, 12 and 20 is 13, because the total of 7, 12 and 20 is 39, and 39dividedby 3 is 13.
- Thesefiguresareexpressedas apercentageof the total.
- Unemployment islikelytoreachthehighesttotal that haseverbeenrecorded.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCalculations & calculating - algebraic
- algebraically
- algo
- algorithmic
- amount
- calculate
- calculator
- formula
- guesstimate
- interpolate
- matrix
- miscalculation
- multigrid
- multigroup
- multipole
- non-commutative
- number-crunching
- root
- triangulation
See more results » totaladjective(AMOUNT)B1[before noun]includingeverything: 总的,全部的 the totalcost全部费用 Totallosseswere $800.总损失为800美元。 - The totalamountraisedsofarisapproaching$1000.
- When youincludeall myovertime, my totalpayisquitegood.
- What is the totaloiloutputfrom the Britishsectorof theNorthSea?
- We need toworkout the totalcostof theproject.
- Althoughsexualandviolentcrimeshaveincreasedby 10%, theyremainonly atinyfractionof the totalnumberofcrimescommittedeachyear.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesComplete and whole - (all) in one pieceidiom
- A, a
- absolute
- all or nothingidiom
- all-in-one
- all-inclusive
- fell
- fibre
- from stem to sternidiom
- full-blown
- full-fledged
- full-length
- fully
- plain
- thoroughly
- through and throughidiom
- to the lastidiom
- totality
- toto
- unabridged
See more results » totaladjective(VERY GREAT)B2verygreator of thelargestdegreepossible: 完全的,彻底的;绝对的 totalsecrecy绝密 a totaldisregardfortheirfeelings对他们的感受全然不顾 totalsilence万籁俱寂 Theorganizationof theeventwas a totalshambles(= verybad).这次活动的组织工作糟糕透了。 Thecollapse, when it came, was total.这种崩溃一旦来临,便无可救药。 - Shestaredat him in totalincomprehension.
- Literarycriticswere in totaldisagreementabout thevalueof thebook.
- Themeetingwas a totalfailure.
- The Workers' Coalitionexperiencedtheignominyof totaldefeatin the lastelection.
- He's a totalno-hoper- he'll neverachieveanything.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesComplete and whole - (all) in one pieceidiom
- A, a
- absolute
- all or nothingidiom
- all-in-one
- all-inclusive
- fell
- fibre
- from stem to sternidiom
- full-blown
- full-fledged
- full-length
- fully
- plain
- thoroughly
- through and throughidiom
- to the lastidiom
- totality
- toto
- unabridged
See more results » totalverb[L only + noun, T](ADD UP)C1to have as acompleteamount, or tocalculatethis: 总数达;合计为 This is the eighthvolumein theseries, which totals 21volumesin all.该丛书总共有21册,这是第8册。 We totalled(up)themoneywe had eachearned, and thenshareditequallybetween the three of us.我们把每个人赚的钱加起来,然后我们三个人平分这笔钱。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto add up numbers - addAdd 24, 63, and 55.
- add upMy job was to add up the scores at the end.
- totalTotal the daily payments for a month and you arrive at your monthly expenditure.
- find the sumFind the sum of the following numbers.
- find the totalFind the total of £26.33, £55.09, and £109.65.
- add up toThe figures add up to a huge amount.
See more results » - Heranupdebtstotallingnearly£3,000.
- If you totaltheirearningsfor theyear, you willseethey arequitesubstantial.
- Theircombinedservicein thecompanytotalled 50years.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCalculations & calculating - algebraic
- algebraically
- algo
- algorithmic
- amount
- calculate
- calculator
- formula
- guesstimate
- interpolate
- matrix
- miscalculation
- multigrid
- multigroup
- multipole
- non-commutative
- number-crunching
- root
- triangulation
See more results » totalverb[L only + noun, T](DAMAGE)mainlyUS(UKwrite off)todamageavehiclesobadlythat it cannot berepaired: 把(车辆)完全毁坏 Hissontotaled thepickupwhen it was tenmonthsold.这辆皮卡买了十个月就被他儿子完全弄坏了。 todamagesomethingextremelybadly: 完全毁坏Thecompanyhasn't justjeopardizeditsbrand; it may have totaled it. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDestroying and demolishing - annihilate
- annihilation
- apocalypse
- bash
- bash through (something)
- be sacrificed on the altar ofsomethingidiom
- fall in
- in piecesidiom
- indestructibility
- killsomethingoff
- kill the goose that lays the golden eggidiom
- sacrifice
- self-destruct
- self-devouring
- shred
- sink
- stave
- stavesomethingin
- tear
- wipe
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: On the road: accidents involving vehicles Damaging and spoiling (Definition oftotalfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)B1theamountyou get when severalsmalleramountsareaddedtogether 总额;总数At thattimeofday,carswith only oneoccupantaccountedforalmost80percentof the total.一天中的那个时候,只有一人乘坐的汽车几乎占车辆总数的80%。 Atotalof21horseswereenteredin therace.总共有21匹马报名参加了比赛。 We made $1,000intotal, over threedaysoftrading.在3天的交易中,我们一共赚了1000美元。 - Theschoolbazaarraiseda total of £550.
- Thetripcosta total of £250,insuranceincluded.
- Theaverageof the threenumbers7, 12 and 20 is 13, because the total of 7, 12 and 20 is 39, and 39dividedby 3 is 13.
- Thesefiguresareexpressedas apercentageof the total.
- Unemployment islikelytoreachthehighesttotal that haseverbeenrecorded.
totaladjective(AMOUNT)B1[before noun]includingeverything 总的,全部的the totalcost全部费用 Totallosseswere $800.总损失为800美元。 - The totalamountraisedsofarisapproaching$1000.
- When youincludeall myovertime, my totalpayisquitegood.
- What is the totaloiloutputfrom the Britishsectorof theNorthSea?
- We need toworkout the totalcostof theproject.
- Althoughsexualandviolentcrimes haveincreasedby 10%, theyremainonly atinyfractionof the totalnumberof crimescommittedeachyear.
totaladjective(VERY GREAT)B2verygreator of thelargestdegreepossible 完全的,彻底的;绝对的totalsecrecy绝密 a totaldisregardfortheirfeelings对他们的感受全然不顾 totalsilence万籁俱寂 Theorganizationof theeventwas a totalshambles(= verybad).这次活动的组织工作糟糕透了。 Thecollapse, when it came, was total.这种崩溃一旦来临,便无可救药。 - Shestaredat him in totalincomprehension.
- Literarycriticswere in totaldisagreementabout thevalueof thebook.
- Themeetingwas a totalfailure.
- The Workers' Coalitionexperiencedtheignominyof totaldefeatin the lastelection.
- He's a totalno-hoper- he'll neverachieveanything.
totalverb[L only + noun, T](ADD UP)C1to have as acompleteamount, or tocalculatethis 总数达;合计为This is the eighthvolumein theseries, which totals 21volumesin all.该丛书总共有21册,这是第8册。 We totalled(up)themoneywe had eachearned, and thenshareditequallybetween the three of us.我们把每个人赚的钱加起来,然后我们三个人平分这笔钱。 - Heranupdebtstotallingnearly£3,000.
- If you totaltheirearningsfor theyear, you willseethey arequitesubstantial.
- Theircombinedservicein thecompanytotalled 50years.
totalverb[L only + noun, T](DAMAGE)mainlyUS(UKwrite off)todamageavehiclesobadlythat it cannot berepaired 把(车辆)完全毁坏Hissontotaled thepickupwhen it was tenmonthsold.这辆皮卡买了十个月就被他儿子完全弄坏了。 todamagesomethingextremelybadly 完全毁坏Volkswagen hasn't just put a fewdingsinitsbrand; it may have totaled it.大众汽车的名誉受到的不是一点小小的损失,而是可能完全被毁掉了。 total| American Dictionarytotalnoun[C](AMOUNT)Add these up and give me the total. Wepaida total of $473. in total In totalmeansincludingeverythingaddedtogether: Lastweek45peoplein total came to theseniorcenter. totaladjective[not gradable](COMPLETE)Negotiations had to beheldin totalsecrecy. totaladjective[not gradable](INCLUDING AMOUNT)Totalgrainexportshaveincreased. totalverb[T](DESTROY)todestroysomethingcompletely: She didn’t total thecar, but she did a lot ofdamage. totalverb[T](HAVE AS AMOUNT)-l-|-ll-to have as awholeamount, or tocalculatethis: Thishistoryseriestotals twelvevolumesin all. (Definition oftotalfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)theamountornumberthat you get when severalsmalleramountsareaddedtogether: a total of $20/£1,000/€3m, etc.Wecalculatedallcoststo thecompanyand came to a total of $5,500. Weemploy534staffin total. We have alargeworkforcewith womenrepresenting30% of the total. See alsogrand total running total subtotal sum total [before noun]includingeverything in acalculationor everypersonin agroup: total cost/expenseThesefiguresshow the totalcostof theprojectincludingstaffsalaries. total gains/lossesCan you give us anideaofourtotallosses? The UK All Companiesperformancecategoryaveragedan 18.1%totalreturnover theyear. Womenrepresenta verysmallpercentageofourtotalworkforce. Theprojectwasa totaldisaster. Theaudiencelistenedintotalsilence. UK-ll|US-l-toaddup to aparticularamount: Theannualsalarybilltotals more than $3 million. Theyincurredlossestotalling over $2 million. (alsototal up)toaddupamountsto get afinalnumber: Allcostshave been totaled at thebottomof thecolumn. When they totalled uptheirlosses, theyrealisedthey could notcontinueinbusiness. informaltodestroyacarin anaccident: They willpaythefullcosttobuya newcarif you totalyourcarwithin the firstyear. (Definition oftotalfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesoftotaltotal Figure 2a illustrates specifically thetotalexpected sampling cost of those plans and clearly shows a trend of increasing cost with smaller sampling units.From theCambridge English Corpus This yields payoffs of 18 and 54 to the two players, respectively, for atotalpayoff of 72.From theCambridge English Corpus Rice and wheat account for nearly 75% of thetotalfood grains produced.From theCambridge English Corpus Decline in soil organic carbon andtotalnitrogen in relation to tillage, stubble management and rotation.From theCambridge English Corpus The y-axis represents fractiontotalorganic carbon remaining.From theCambridge English Corpus And this opening-up is at the last analysis atotalorganic wholeness of self-integration.From theCambridge English Corpus However, what is reinforced by these data, is the very low percentage of flies in thetotaltrapped population that bore pollinaria.From theCambridge English Corpus This represented 19% of thetotalnumber of questionnaires sent out.From theCambridge English Corpus Atotalof 92 % of eligible infants were recruited.From theCambridge English Corpus Atotalof 37 participants were originally recruited.From theCambridge English Corpus Totalemployee numbers were reduced from 1,180 to 975.From theCambridge English Corpus The remaining funds of (1xb) must be invested in the riskless asset to ensure that thetotalposition is riskless.From theCambridge English Corpus In addition, we removed items with negative item-totalcorrelations.From theCambridge English Corpus Intotal, 75 participants took part in the study.From theCambridge English Corpus The decline in residence with children was most rapid during the period from 1940 to 1980, when more than half thetotalchange took place.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithtotaltotalThese are words often used in combination withtotal. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. cumulative total Extensive bibliographies are given for each chapter, running to a cumulative total of 40 pages. From theCambridge English Corpus overall total Within each category, a number of indicators are employed, resulting in an overall total of sixty-two different measures for each case. From theCambridge English Corpus rainfall total However, this higher annual rainfall total was mainly due to the occurrence of several large storms in the rainy season (responsible for 90% of the annual rainfall). From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/total## |