(alsotime stamp)uk/ˈtaɪm.stæmp/us/ˈtaɪm.stæmp/arecordinprintedordigitalformthatshowsthetimeat which somethinghappenedor was done:
时间印章,时间戳记(指以印刷或数字形式显示某事发生或完成的时间)A timestamp may also be used toverifydigitalsignatures.时间戳也可用于验证数字签名。
A PostalServicetimestampshowsit wasmailedat 9:01 AM.邮政服务的时间戳显示邮件是在上午9:01寄出的。
- Ideally I couldenteracurrencypairand a timestamp like "2010-10-17@15:35:00" and get back anapproximatebid.
- There in herinboxis a littlemessagethat said, Mr. X hasendedhisrelationship. There was a timestamp, 9:45 a. m., and a littlebrokenhearticon.
- It is auniqueidentifierbasedupon the timestamp and thecurrentEthernetaddress.
- Next, the video'stimestampjumpsforwardamonthand we're at Rob's going-awayparty.
Describing when something happened or will happen
- at
- at short noticeidiom
- be
- by
- coincident
- demand
- for
- hundred
- immediately
- in
- line
- movable feast
- on
- one
- somewhere along the lineidiom
- space
- time
- within
- zero hour
(alsotime stamp)uk/ˈtaɪm.stæmp/us/ˈtaɪm.stæmp/tomarksomething with aprintedordigitalrecordof when somethinghappenedor was done:
加盖时间印章,打上时间戳记(指以印刷或数字形式显示某事发生或完成的时间)Eachentryin thelogis timestamped in theformatYYMMDDhhmmss inGMT.日志中的每条记录都盖上了时间戳,格式为:年/月/日/时/分/秒(格林尼治标准时)。
- There are twomainwaysof timestamping anitemin anRSS2.0feed.
- At the very least, thecourtsshouldforbidthepolicefromlookingat anyfiletimestamped beforeMarch18, 2010.
- Ifusersdownloadexpired, timestampedcode, they willseethat thedigitalsignatureisvalideventhough thecertificatehasexpired.
- Thetradesthemselves arescribbledoncards, thentimestampedandrecordedby acardclocker in less than 60seconds.
Describing when something happened or will happen
- at
- at short noticeidiom
- be
- by
- coincident
- demand
- for
- hundred
- immediately
- in
- line
- movable feast
- on
- one
- somewhere along the lineidiom
- space
- time
- within
- zero hour